Hello, WG.  We have posted a draft opsawg/Ops Area 112 agenda at
https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/112/materials/agenda-112-opsawg-00.  Please
review, especially if you have requested a slot.

There were a lot of last-minute requests, and we have accommodated
everyone (though perhaps not with the time requested).

The ADs have said that they will reduce their part to an open mic if
anyone has something to raise.  We'll ask that anyone with something to
raise ping the ADs during the first part of the meeting.  If no one
speaks up, we'll have additional buffer for the second half.  This will
be mentioned again when the chairs kick off the meeting.

Remember, we will be using Meetecho for the meeting, so please
familiarize yourself with
ahead of time so you're ready to participate and/or present.  Make sure
you've registered and have a working DataTracker account.

In the past few meetings, Eliot Lear and Rob Wilton have been excellent
scribes.  Might I ask you two if you would agree to scribe again (I can
do it for any Ops Area matters)?

Presenters: please get your slides in to the chairs no later than next
Friday, November 5.



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