Dear OPSA working group,
Please find notes and recording from DMLMO draft side meeting today:
Recording(Password: BybFjhp8):


  *   Nagendra Kumar
  *   Diego Lopez
  *   Benoit Claise
  *   Marisol Palmero
We got declined:

  *   Eric Vyncke
  *   Shwetha Bhandari
  *   Camilo Cardona
Meeting notes/updates:

  *   DMLMO v03 submitted for IETF v03:

  *   “hierarchy” concept: Asset/subasset, feature/subfeature, license subasset
  *   Cross reference between the modules: 1:1 or 1:N
  *   In this cross reference, the modules can be augmented
Benefits: Capability of extention, integration, flexibility, scalability

  *   License Use Cases, might be challenging to cover multivendor scenario. 
Together with Camilo and Shwetha, we are working on it, and even we know we 
will not be able to cover all scenarios, we want to demostrate that we can 
cover some initial scenarios and demostrate on it.
  *   New Organization/Service and User modules have been included in the 
current draft, being considered as a proof of flexibilty and scalability.

Next side meeting is scheduled during IETF 113 event. I check with individuals, 
as not everybody will be onsite. But it will be good to have sometime together 
before  Thursday OPSA meeting slot.

Many Thanks,

From: Marisol Palmero Amador (mpalmero) <>
Date: Wednesday, 23 February 2022 at 17:01
To: <>
Cc: Sudhendu Kumar <>, Shwetha Bhandari 
<>, Frank Brockners (fbrockne) 
<>, Camilo Cardona <>, Diego R. 
Lopez <>, 
<>, Benoit Claise 
<>, Eric Vyncke (evyncke) 
Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] IETF DLMO draft side-meeting


DMLMO side meeting today has got a reduced audience, due to other priorities.
It was a short call and here are the notes:

** IETF DMLMO side meeting (Feb/23)


Eric Vyncke
Marisol Palmero

We got declined from:

Luis M Contreras
Diego Lopez
Camilo Cardona
Frank B.

Meeting notes:
* As we talked during previous meeting, we are considering to add a more 
flexible data structure, not only to cover "organization" attribute in asset(s) 
module; but also to be considered on the original "asset", "license" and 
"usage" containers. In this way, we will have a flexible and recursive 
implementation where there is introduced a more flexible model to cover this 
concept of parent-child/hierarchy (referred as "sub-asset", "sub-license", 
"sub-feature") as considered in the current DMLMO YANG modules.

* Together with Shwetha and Camilo, we are reviewing how licenses will iterate 
through feature-usage and asset(s), currently work in progress,  we will 
provide an update during next call.

* In order to present and update in the coming  OPSAWG IETF 113 meeting, we are 
looking to submit a new release for the DMLMO draft by end of next week.

* For next IETF 113 event, it will be good to know how many people with 
interest on DMLMO will be present during that Wednesday-Thursday in Vienna. 
Still considering to be onsite, but it might be a good opportunity to have a 
life discussion during that week.

Many Thanks,

From: Marisol Palmero Amador (mpalmero) <>
Date: Wednesday, 9 February 2022 at 21:31
To: <>
Cc: Sudhendu Kumar <>, Shwetha Bhandari 
<>, Frank Brockners (fbrockne) 
<>, Camilo Cardona <>, Diego R. 
Lopez <>, 
<>, Benoit Claise 
<>, Eric Vyncke (evyncke) 
Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] IETF DLMO draft side-meeting
Sharing with the WG the meeting notes from the DMLMO side meeting:

**IETF DMLMO side meeting (Feb/9)


Benoit Claise Luis M Contreras Eric Vyncke Yannis Viniotis Diego Lopez Camilo 
Cardona Sudhendu Kumar Marisol Palmero

Password: hXN3JDp3

  *   Meeting notes:
  *   Agreed that meeting will be moved to 15:00 CET
  *   Quick intro from the different participants (this will be done just for 
this first meeting)
  *   Review Current YANG modules attributes - Marisol to list a few changes 
for next call including:
     *   Address for assets (MAC/IP), with purpose being management of the asset
     *   Organization - Consider organizational hierarchy. Marisol to prepare a 
proposal for next call
  *   Licenses - Camilo
     *   Considering additional attributes for licenses to cover “combo” 
options for feature&assets, including a possible concept as “License Catalog” 
     *   Benoit & Eric: Licensing is a complex topic.
     *   Camilo: Intention is to simplify the complexity: focusing on "Feature 
to a license" vs "Asset to a license"
     *   Diego: I believe the licensing model is very much connected with 
  *   Lifecycle for (V)NF vs YANG modules (OSM) - Diego
  *   Tracking table in ppt: Marisol to create Tasks for each topic and include:
     *   Evolve attributes for “Assets in use”
  *   RoundTable
     *   Luis: Review HW and SW disaggregation
     *   Inventory Management, discussing 2 options:
        *   as per IETF112 OPSAWG discussion, we can raise topic to the chair 
and propose a follow up conversation.
        *   review DMLMO current model how an asset is defined, and the 
attributes linked to it. Review the concept of asset definition and how it 
links to inventory. We will address this in next call

Marisol Palmero

From: Marisol Palmero <>
Date: Wednesday, 2 February 2022 at 17:09
To: "" <>
Cc: Sudhendu Kumar <>, Shwetha Bhandari 
<>, "Frank Brockners (fbrockne)" 
<>, Camilo Cardona <>, "Diego R. 
Lopez" <>
Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] IETF DLMO draft side-meeting

Just to inform the WG,
We have hosted a preparation call in order to start the “DMLMO draft” side 
meetings next week:

**IETF DMLMO side meeting kick-off (Feb/2)**

* Sudhendu
* Shwetha
* Marisol
* Frank

** DMLMO side meetings are bi-weekly, starting Feb/9 - 7am PST **

* meetings notes will be typed from:
(to be updated in git repo)

* Preparation slides in google docs:

Initial list of topics to review & discuss:

* "Organizations" in YANG
* Licenses linked to Features vs Assets/ License “Catalog”
* LifeCycle for (V)NF vs existing YANG modules
* Inventory, DMLMO doesnt´t have an objective to focus on inventory management, 
but the group is open to collaborate and even consumed from other efforts.
* Round table

Marisol Palmero

From: "Joe Clarke (jclarke)" <>
Date: Wednesday, 26 January 2022 at 16:47
To: "" <>, Marisol Palmero <>
Cc: Sudhendu Kumar <>, Shwetha Bhandari 
Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] IETF DLMO draft side-meeting

Marisol, while you work to refine this document ahead of any potential WG 
adoption, please bring back any relevant discussions to this list so you have a 
record of interest.  Comments from interested parties will help gauge interest 
should you wish to have opsawg adopt this document.


On 1/25/22 15:41, Marisol Palmero Amador (mpalmero) wrote:

We would like to extend this invitation to the OPSA WG to participate and 
collaborate in the open discussions for those interested in  DMLMO 

Calls are scheduled to start on February 9th

Calls will be hosted every two weeks:

On Wednesday´s starting at 16:00 CET (initially scheduled for 50 min)

Please those who are interested feel free to reach out directly, and I will be 
happy to include you in the outlook invitation



Call invitation:
IETF DMLMO review side meeting
Hosted by Marisol Palmero Amador

Wednesday, 9 Feb, 2022 16:00 | 50 minutes | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, 
Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Occurs every 2 week(s) on Wednesday effective 2/9/2022 until 7/27/2022 from 
4:00 PM to 4:50 PM, (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
Meeting number: 2578 169 4611
Password: cwBUWiYb526 (29289492 from phones)

Join by video system
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone
+34-91-201-2149 Spain Madrid Toll
+34-93-446-6598 Spain Barcelona Toll

Access code: 257 816 94611

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