Dear OPSA working group,
Notes from today´s DMLMO regular side meeting are updated:

**IETF DMLMO side meeting (Jun/8)

Ignacio Dominguez
Camilo Cardona
Marisol Palmero

Meeting notes/updates:

  *   Inventory: waiting for AD & CCAMP and OPSA WG Chairs to determine next 
steps for inventory related YANG modules.
  *   License: work in progress identifying common use cases
  *   Features: work in progress identifying common use cases
Review from current DMLMO v04 version is required:

  *   Draft V04 is missing YANG modules, even they are listed through YANG 
trees. This is a problem from python script we use to build the xml/txt 
version. We will get it fixed, generating a new version.
  *   ietf-lmo-user YANG module implementation doesnt differenciate between: 
Owner / Consumer
  *   Asset is limited to be linked to one "user", asset might be considered to 
be linked to several users, being consumer, owner, or other roles.

Next meeting is planned for June 29th

Many thanks,
Marisol Palmero

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