All of the edits related to idnits have been addressed in 
draft-ietf-opsawg-tlstm-update-10. As discussed below, I tweaked the wording 
for SnmpTLSAddress to require conformance to 1123 and 5890 when it is intended 
to represent  a hostname and I made those normative references. The only issues 
that the indits tool shows now are two "comments" about obsolete informational 
references, but these references are needed because:
1. The definition of the proposed hash table needs to reference RFC 5246 
2. The revision history of the MIB contains a revision clause that indicates it 
originated in RFC 5953

Ken Vaughn

Trevilon LLC
6606 FM 1488 RD #148-503
Magnolia, TX 77354
+1-571-331-5670 cell

> On Oct 7, 2022, at 8:25 AM, Joe Clarke (jclarke) <> wrote:
> I’ve always been told (and it makes sense) that one must understand normative 
> references so to implement the given spec.
> This is a weird case.  The TLS address doesn’t need to be a hostname and, if 
> it is, it doesn’t need to be an i18n hostname.  So, one wouldn’t need to 
> understand RFCs 1123 and 5890 to implement this spec if they only used IP 
> addresses.
> But for completeness, I would recommend doing option #4 below (as you added 
> normative language to v4 and v6 addresses already).
> Joe
> From: Kenneth Vaughn < <>>
> Date: Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 4:27 AM
> To: Joe Clarke (jclarke) < <>>
> Cc: <> < 
> <>>, tom petch < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: SHEPHERD REVIEW: draft-ietf-opsawg-tlstm-update-07
> Joe, et al.
> I am working in a draft that includes the text suggested by Tom (e..g, "This 
> module makes reference to"). I have also ensured that the list of references 
> is accurate and properly classified between normative and informative.  While 
> doing this, I noticed that RFC 6353 seems to treat two RFCs differently, 
> despite the text referring to them in a similar fashion. Specifically, the 
> MIB contains the following text, which is repeated in the updated MIB:
> A hostname is always in US-ASCII (as per RFC 1123); internationalized 
> hostnames are encoded as A-labels as specified in  
> RFC 5890. 
> Neither of these RFCs are referenced in any other way in RFC 6353, but RFC 
> 1123 is listed as a normative reference while RFC 5890 as an informative 
> reference. It seems to me that the two documents should be referenced in the 
> same fashion, but I am not sure which type is most correct. A basic reading 
> of the text implies that this is just an informative fact; but I believe the 
> intent is that the "is always" and "are" expressions are intended to be "MUST 
> be" expressions - and parallel the prior paragraphs that describe IPv4 and 
> IPv6 addresses. So I see the following options; I know what ISO would like, 
> but I am interested in hearing which option is the best to conform with IETF 
> rules...
> 1) leave as is (i.e., no change to MIB module, keep RFC 1123 as normative and 
> EFC 5890 as informative)
> 2) no change to MIB module, make both RFC 1123 and RFC 5890 normative
> 3) no change to MIB module, make both RFC 1123 and RFC 5890 informative
> 4) Replace the "is always" and "are" in the text above with "MUST be" and 
> make both RFC 1123 and RFC 5890 normative
> Thanks for your advice
> Regards,
> Ken Vaughn
> Trevilon LLC
> 6606 FM 1488 RD #148-503
> Magnolia, TX 77354
> +1-571-331-5670 cell
> <>
> <>
> On Oct 5, 2022, at 4:53 AM, tom petch < 
> <>> wrote:
> From: OPSAWG < <>> on 
> behalf of Joe Clarke (jclarke) < 
> <>>
> Sent: 04 October 2022 17:45
> Thanks, Ken.  I saw your updates, and I agree with you on 5246.
> But now that I am done with my shepherd write-up, I notice that there are a 
> slew of references in the MIB that are not reflected in the document 
> references (e.g., 1123, 5890, etc.).  Given that the full MIB is included in 
> this new document, you should include the same references in the Norm/Inform.
> <tp>
> This has been a problem with YANG for years and the accepted solution is to 
> include a section 4.1 'This module makes references to [RFC1123], [RFC5890] 
> etc '
> Consistency with YANG would be good:-)
> Tom Petch
> Joe
> From: Kenneth Vaughn < <>>
> Date: Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 10:37
> To: Joe Clarke (jclarke) < <>>
> Cc: <> < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: SHEPHERD REVIEW: draft-ietf-opsawg-tlstm-update-07
> I've updated the document; the only items that remain in the id-nits check 
> (
> <>)
>  are:
>  == Unused Reference: 'STD58' is defined on line 1472, but no explicit
>     reference was found in the text
> STD 58 is referenced in the MIB but I am guessing that the checking tool does 
> not check that content? (I don't think I am supposed to use the formal 
> cross-referencing in the MIB section)
>  -- Obsolete informational reference (is this intentional?): RFC 5246
>     (Obsoleted by RFC 8446)
> This reference is intentional as we are identifying the initial entries for 
> the SNMP-TLSTM HashAlgorithm Registry, which needs to point to the older RFC.
> Regards,
> Ken Vaughn
> Trevilon LLC
> 6606 FM 1488 RD #148-503
> Magnolia, TX 77354
> +1-571-331-5670 cell
> <>< 
> <>>
> <>< 
> <>>
> On Oct 3, 2022, at 12:20 PM, Joe Clarke (jclarke) < 
> <>< 
> <>>> wrote:
> I’m working through the shepherd write-up now.  As part of that, I am 
> reviewing the IDNITS checks, and there are a number of warnings.
> See 
> <>.
>   Please work through and address these.  Thanks.
> Joe
> From: Joe Clarke (jclarke) < 
> <>< 
> <>>>
> Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 13:00
> To: Kenneth Vaughn < 
> <>< 
> <>>>
> Cc: <>< 
> <>> < 
> <>< <>>>
> Subject: Re: SHEPHERD REVIEW: draft-ietf-opsawg-tlstm-update-07
> Thanks for refreshing my memory.  The clutter argument is sound.  I do wish 
> we would have gotten a SEC DIR review, but it will certainly get some eyes 
> from the IESG.
> I’ll mention this point in the shepherd write-up, and we’ll leave things the 
> way they are text-wise for now.
> Joe
> From: Kenneth Vaughn < 
> <>< 
> <>>>
> Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 12:51
> To: Joe Clarke (jclarke) < 
> <>< 
> <>>>
> Cc: <>< 
> <>> < 
> <>< <>>>
> Subject: Re: SHEPHERD REVIEW: draft-ietf-opsawg-tlstm-update-07
> The concept of automatically registering new hash algorithms was discussed 
> during a May e-mail thread. Jürgen objected to the automatic recording of 
> values and Tom Petch argued for the automatic registration.
> While I don't think we ever achieved "agreement" on the position, we 
> concluded with consensus (i.e., no sustained objections) on the wording in 
> the current draft due to the fact that there was agreement that there was no 
> requirement for our fingerprint to use the same hash as used by the TLS layer 
> (and thus no technical requirement to link the two registries). >From that 
> point, we concluded that if anyone wanted a value, they "would find the 
> energy to register it" and we would not clutter the registry with unnecessary 
> values.
> Personally, I see the argument on both sides and am fine with the consensus. 
> However, I could perhaps see softening the expert review statement to 
> automatically approve the request to add any hash algorithm that is already 
> approved for any version of TLS or DTLS rather than fording a consultation 
> with the TLS WG.
> I've made the other changes, but will hold off on implementing them until we 
> resolve this issue..
> Regards,
> Ken Vaughn
> Trevilon LLC
> 6606 FM 1488 RD #148-503
> Magnolia, TX 77354
> +1-571-331-5670 cell
> <>< 
> <>>
> <>< 
> <>>
> On Sep 27, 2022, at 10:36 AM, Joe Clarke (jclarke) < 
> <>< 
> <>>> wrote:
> I am reviewing -07 of this draft ahead of the shepherd review.  I have found 
> a few nits, but at a larger level, I think more text might be needed for IANA 
> around how to handle the new TLS hash registry.  Currently, the draft talks 
> about a sync to “IANA TLS HashAlgorithm Registry”, which is good.  But what 
> if new values get added to the cipher suites registry?  For example, what 
> about GOST variants?  I would think if the TLS 1.3 spec (and their experts) 
> allow for these algorithms would this registry not just take them?  What 
> would the expert review consider when adding new algorithms here?
> In terms of nits:
> Search for “ciphersuites” and change to “cipher suites” as that is more 
> consistent with other documents (and I think you use both in this document).
> Section 2.1:
> s/Values zero through 2/Values 0 through 2/
> Section 2.3:
> s/stated that TLSTM/states that TLSTM/
> Section 3.1:
> s/request, offer or use/request, offer, or use/
> Section 7
> Add a period to the end of the section.
> Joe

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