From: OPSAWG <> on behalf of Henk Birkholz 
Sent: 06 October 2022 13:26

Dear authors and contributors,

thank you for your hard work. As it seems that all existing issues have
been resolve, we'll move the I-D to write-up in the datatracker.

Also, thanks Thomas Fossati for stepping up as shepherd!

My main comment on this remains the mix of two different YANG modules with 
different life cycles; I expect that l will comment again on the Last Call list 
to give this issue more exposure.

Of lesser import, I cannot make sense of the references.
I see [RFC5246] which normally means that a reference has been created.  Not 
here, so there would seem to have been some chicanery involved, that this I-D 
has not been produced by the usual IETF tools.

I also see RFC5869, RFC6346, RFC8447 which seem absent from the I-D References.

dtls13 is now an RFC.

What is the difference between 
            "RFC DDDD: Datagram Transport Layer Security 1.3";
How do I find 
        "RFC CCCC: Common YANG Data Types for Cryptography";
       "RFC IIII: Common YANG Data Types for Hash algorithms"; ?
Does tls-1-2 mean the same as tls-1.2?  And is this the same as that which the 
Netconf WG refers to as tls12?

Tom Petch

For the OPSAWG co-chairs,


On 29.09.22 10:27, Henk Birkholz wrote:
> Dear OPSAWG members,
> this email concludes the first WGLC call for
> A few comments where raised. Authors/editors, please go ahead and
> address these as discussed on the list.
> For the OPSAWG co-chairs,
> Henk
> On 14.09.22 16:07, Henk Birkholz wrote:
>> Dear OPSAWG members,
>> this email starts a two week period for a Working Group Last Call of
>> ending on Thursday, September 28th.
>> The authors believe the Internet-Draft is ready for a WGLC and the
>> chairs agree. The draft has been discussed visibly at IETF 114 and
>> review feedback has been incorporated in -07.
>> Please send your comments to the list and your assessment of whether
>> or not it is ready to proceed to publication before September 28th.
>> For the OPSAWG co-chairs,
>> Henk
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