Dear Med,

Also many thanks from my side. Much appreciated. I just submitted the -06 

If there aren't any objections anymore I think Joe can go ahead from here.

Best wishes

From: Benoit Claise <>
Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 10:08 AM
To:; Graf Thomas, INI-NET-VNC-HCS 
Subject: Re: [OPSAWG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh-05.txt

Hi Med,

Perfect. That makes sense. Let's execute on this proposal below.
Let me stress again: thanks for your continuous effort to improve this draft.

Regards, Benoit
On 1/5/2023 9:18 AM,<> wrote:
Hi Benoît,

You got it. We are not defining a new ordering behavior, but simply adhering to 
what the IPFIX spec says on this matter.

I would mix your proposed wording with what Thomas already implemented in<>:

   If multiple SRHs are observed (for reasons that are not detailed
   here), the export of the same IE multiple times in one data record
   and related template record is supported. In such a case,
   the following IPFIX behavior in Section 8 of [RFC7011] applies:
   "If an Information Element is required more than once in a Template,
   the different occurrences of this Information Element SHOULD follow
   the logical order of their treatments by the Metering Process".
   If the network node is not capable to export IPFIX for
   more than one SRH, it MUST export IPFIX for the SRH of the active

Thank you.


De : Benoit Claise <><>
Envoyé : mercredi 4 janvier 2023 18:43
Cc :<>
Objet : Re: [OPSAWG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh-05.txt

Hi Med,

Thanks for your continuous effort to improve this draft.

Help me understand your point of view regarding your comment:

Thanks for preparing this revised version. The changes look good.

However, and as discussed previously, I was expecting to see s/packet

SHOULD be preserved in the IPFIX export according/packet should be

preserved in the IPFIX export according.
Actually, we have this specific sentence in<>

If an Information Element is required more than once in a Template,

the different occurrences of this Information Element SHOULD follow

the logical order of their treatments by the Metering Process.
This sentence applies to the case of multiple SRHs in a Flow Record and this 
specification MUST be followed in such a case.
This was actually our intent with this paragraph in the draft version 5, that 
is drawing attention to that specific sentence:

6.3.  Multiple Segment Routing Headers

   [RFC8200] describes the support of multiple extension headers such as

   the SRH in one IPv6 packet.  The export of the same IE multiple times

   in one data record and related template is supported and the order

   within the packet SHOULD be preserved in the IPFIX export according

   to Section 8 of [RFC7011].  If the network node is not capable to

   export IPFIX for more than one SRH, it MUST export IPFIX for the

   active SRH

Do we agree so far on the intent of this paragraph?
I believe so when I re-read your initial comment:

I suggest to simplify the wording of 6.3 to basically say: if

multiple SRHs are observed (for reasons that are not detailed

here), exporting multiple IEs is allowed + follow the base reco in

7011 for the ordering. No normative language is needed for this


Granted, we most likely did not express ourselves correctly in section 6.3.
For ex, we used a SHOULD to be aligned with the sentence in RFC7011.
Is this this issue at stake here: this might be perceived as we are writing a 
new IPFIX spec?

If we agree till this point, what about this?

6.3.  Multiple Segment Routing Headers

   [RFC8200] describes the support of multiple extension headers such as

   the SRH in one IPv6 packet.  The export of the same IE multiple times

   in one flow record and related template record is supported. In such case

   the following IPFIX specification in Section 8 of [RFC7011] applies:

   "If an Information Element is required more than once in a Template,

   the different occurrences of this Information Element SHOULD follow

   the logical order of their treatments by the Metering Process."

   If the network node is not capable to export IPFIX for more than

   one SRH, it MUST export IPFIX for the active SRH
Please let us know.

Regards, Benoit

On 1/4/2023 5:05 PM,<> wrote:

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for preparing this revised version. The changes look good.

However, and as discussed previously, I was expecting to see s/packet

SHOULD be preserved in the IPFIX export according/packet should be

preserved in the IPFIX export according.

Some minor nits:

* Please note that there are still some occurrences in the draft about

many subregistries, while only ** one ** is created, e.g.,

   This document specifies eleven new IPFIX Information Elements (IEs)

   and three new subregistries within the "IPFIX Information Elements"

   registry [RFC7012], for SRv6 purposes.


   This document requests IANA to create new IEs (see table 1) and


   new subregistries called "IPFIX IPv6 SRH Flags" (table 2), "IPFIX

   IPv6 SRH Segment Type" (table 3), and "IPFIX SRv6 Endpoint


   (table 4) under the "IPFIX Information Elements" registry [RFC7012]

   available at [IANA-IPFIX].

* Please fix the numbering of your tables.

* s/RFC8986 Section 3.1/Section 3.1 of RFC8986

* s/RFC8986 Section 4/ Section 4 of RFC8986

* s/The SID Locator as described in section 3.1 [RFC8986]/ The SID

Locator as described in Section 3.1 of [RFC8986]

* This is not a new requirement:


 (*) The Length MUST be calculated to include the optional Type Length

   Value objects.


(*) The Length must be calculated to include the optional Type Length

   Value objects.

(There are two occurrences in the draft to be fixed).

* "for the values presented in Table 12": couldn't find that table.



-----Message d'origine-----

De :<> 

Envoyé : samedi 17 décembre 2022 08:16


Cc :<>;<>

Objet : RE: [OPSAWG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh-


Dear Med,

Many thanks for the review and my apology that we missed your

input on section 5.9

I updated the document on section 5.9 and 6.3 as per input. Please

review and comment before we submit.





We agree that RFC 8200 doesn't explicitly describe the use of

multiple SRH and therefore the wording in section 6.3 is

misleading as you pointed out. Therefore we removed the RFC 8200

reference and used your wording proposal.

In section 6.3 we want to ensure that there is no ambiguity how

IPFIX needs to be implemented in case more than one SRH is

present. Section 8 of RFC 7011 describes only the case when both

SRH can be exported. Since section 6 is devoted to operational

considerations, the authors believe it make sense to spend a

paragraph in describing both cases, when both SRH can be export

versus when only the SRH of the active segment can be exported in

IPFIX to have a complete description. Does that make sense?

Best wishes


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Friday, December 16, 2022 9:24 AM

To:<>; Graf Thomas, INI-NET-TCZ-ZH1


Subject: RE: [OPSAWG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-


Hi Thomas, all,

Thanks for preparing this version. However, I think that not all

the issues were fixed:

* Section "5.9.  srhActiveSegmentIPv6Type": please add the pointer

to the IANA registry under "Additional Information". Please see

the proposal from Benoît at:






* The text about multiple SRH is somehow "misleading" as it can be

interpreted  as 8200 discusses explicitly multiple SRHs case.

Also, and unless I' mistaken, there is no spring document that

motivates the need for multiple SRHs or how these can be used. I

suggest to simplify the wording of 6.3 to basically say: if

multiple SRHs are observed (for reasons that are not detailed

here), exporting multiple IEs is allowed + follow the base reco in

7011 for the ordering. No normative language is needed for this


* Please define what is meant by "active SRH".

Thank you.



-----Message d'origine-----

De : OPSAWG <><> De la 
part de internet-<> Envoyé : vendredi 16 décembre 2022 
08:50 À :<> Cc :<> Objet : [OPSAWG] I-D

Action: draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh- 05.txt

A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-



This draft is a work item of the Operations and Management Area

Working Group WG of the IETF.

        Title           : Export of Segment Routing over IPv6

Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)

        Authors         : Thomas Graf

                          Benoit Claise

                          Pierre Francois

  Filename        : draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh-05.txt

  Pages           : 28

  Date            : 2022-12-15


   This document introduces new IP Flow Information Export


   Information Elements to identify a set of Segment Routing



   (SRv6) related information such as data contained in a


   Routing Header (SRH), the SRv6 control plane, and the SRv6


   behavior that traffic is being forwarded with.

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