Perfect. Thanks Med


On 5/5/2023 11:47 AM, wrote:

Hi Benoît,

“To make it clear and avoid any issues (which I smell coming) with the IE-doctors at review time, I would make it very clear in the next version of the draft:     [IANA Note: this unsigned8 to unsigned32 is actually a bug, as clearly mentions that the Abstract Data Type must be unsigned32]”

I went with the following:


   The current entry in [IANA-IPFIX] deviates from what is provided in

  [RFC7270].  In particular, the registered Abstract Data Type is

  unsigned8, while it must be unsigned32.  The following update fixes

  that issue.  The description is also updated to clarify the use of

  the reduced-size encoding as per Section 6.2 of [RFC7011].



*De :*Benoit Claise <>
*Envoyé :* vendredi 5 mai 2023 11:04
*À :*;; BOUCADAIR Mohamed INNOV/NET <>
*Cc :*;; me <>
*Objet :* Re: draft-boucla-opsawg-ipfix-fixes-04

Dear Thomas,

Thanks for spotting this.
See inline.

On 5/3/2023 4:07 PM, wrote:

    Dear OPSAWG, Med and Benoit

    Regarding section 6.2, forwardingStatus
    Section 4.12 of RFC 7270
    describes that reduced-size encoding according to Section 6.2 of
    RFC 7011 ( can
    be applied. Further Section 4.12 of RFC 7270 describes that "The
    basic encoding is 8 bits. The future extensions could add one or
    three bytes". The IANA IPFIX registry
    ( reads
    unisgned8 for IE89 forwardingStatus.

    Recently we came across a vendor implementation which implemented
    IE89 forwardingStatus with unsigned32 instead of unsigned8
    already. This raised the following questions which I like to
    clarify here:

     1. Does "The future extensions could add one or three bytes"
        means that data type can be changed from unsigned8 to
        unsigned32 today already or is a new RFC document needed to
        update the IPFIX entity?

Actually, this is clearly a bug in the IFPIX IANA registry. mentions unsigned32 and it's not the case in the IPFIX IANA registry

     3. Does " reduced-size encoding" also applies for increasing the
        field size?

No. That's the reason why unsigned32 must be in the IPFIX IANA registry

     4. If yes, I find the wording rather misleading.
     5. If IE89 forwardingStatus can be implemented in unsigned8,
        unsigned16 and unsigned32, shouldn't it be reflected in the
        IPFIX registry accordingly?

    Depending on the answers we might take the opportunity with
    draft-boucla-opsawg-ipfix-fixes to update the IE89
    forwardingStatus description.

As I mentions, this is a bug.
We can take the opportunity to include it in draft-boucla-opsawg-ipfix-fixes-05
Med did it, and this is perfect. Thanks.
To make it clear and avoid any issues (which I smell coming) with the IE-doctors at review time, I would make it very clear in the next version of the draft:     [IANA Note: this unsigned8 to unsigned32 is actually a bug, as clearly mentions that the Abstract Data Type must be unsigned32]

Thanks to Thomas for the investigaiton and Med for the speedy reaction.

Regards, Benoit

    Best wishes



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