Dear Joe, all

No, I'm not aware of any IPR that applies to these drafts.

Best Regards,


From: OPSAWG <> On Behalf Of Joe Clarke (jclarke)
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2024 4:32 PM
Subject: [OPSAWG] IPR POLL: Attachment circuits work

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We're up to WG LC on these four drafts.  And while we did an IPR poll before, 
we want to be thorough since this work has evolved.

Are you aware of any IPR that applies to drafts identified above?

Please state either:

"No, I'm not aware of any IPR that applies to these drafts"
"Yes, I'm aware of IPR that applies to these drafts"

If so, has this IPR been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules
(see RFCs 3669, 5378 and 8179 for more details)?

If yes to the above, please state either:

"Yes, the IPR has been disclosed in compliance with IETF IPR rules"
"No, the IPR has not been disclosed"

If you answer no, please provide any additional details you think

If you are listed as a document author or contributor please answer the
above by responding to this email regardless of whether or not you are
aware of any relevant IPR. This document will not advance to the next
stage until a response has been received from each author.

Also please send the response to the list above, and not unicast it.

As of this time, no IPR has been disclosed on any of the four drafts.



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