Hi Joe, all,

AC service model defines the general AC model, covering both Layer2 and Layer3 
attributes, and also enhances bearer, profiles and protocols etc..

While RFC 8299 L3SM also defines L3 AC and RFC 8466 L2SM defines L2 AC, I think 
a comparison might help to choose the appropriate model and would like to seek 
WG feedback.

The authors did some discussion in the  weekly call, but we think this 
comparison can be useful if this content is put into the github because the 
list is a bit long and contains YANG details.


发件人: Teas [mailto:teas-boun...@ietf.org] 代表 Joe Clarke (jclarke)
发送时间: 2024年4月19日 22:41
收件人: opsawg@ietf.org<mailto:opsawg@ietf.org>
抄送: Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling Discussion List 
主题: [Teas] WG LC: Attachment circuits work

Thanks to efforts by the WG and cross-collaboration with TEAS, these four 
drafts are at the point to run a WG LC.  All currently reported issues have 
been resolved by the authors, and we are grateful to have four volunteers for 

The Attachment Circuits work is divided into four documents:


Given the size of the work, we will run for a three-week LC period (closing on 
May 10), and we are copying teas@ for additional reviews.  Please reply on-list 
with comments.


   |                             |               |                  |
   |                             |  AC Service   |  L3SM SNA        |
   |                             |bearer-svc     | no equivalent    |
   |                             | sync-ethernet |                  |
   |bearer as service            | lag           |                  |
   |                             | status        |                  |
   |           |                 |               |                  |
   |           |                 |encryption     |encryption        |
   |profile    |service-profile  |qos            |qos               |
   |           |                 |bfd            |bfd               |
   |           |                 |forwarding     |                  |
   |           |                 |routing        |                  |
   |           +-----------------+---------------+------------------+
   |           |                 |               |                  |
   |           |constraints      |placement      |access-diversity  |
   |                             |bearer-ref     |bearer-ref        |
   |                             |l2-connection  |                  |
   |l2-connection                |               |                  |
   |                             |virtual-address|                  |
   |ip-connection                |dynamic address|dynamic dhcp      |
   |                             |pool and dhcp  |                  |
   |                             |static-address |static-address    |
   |           | static          |ip-prefix      |ip-prefix         |
   |           |                 |bfd            |                  |
   |           |                 |status         |                  |
   +           +-----------------+---------------+------------------+
   |           | bgp             |neighbors add  |One neighbor      |
   |           |                 |authentication |with as and       |
   |           |                 |status         |address-family    |
   |           |                 |bfd            |                  |
   |           |                 |peer-groups    |                  |
   +           +-----------------+---------------+------------------+
   |           | ospf            |area-id        |area-id           |
   |  Routing  |                 |address-family |address-family    |
   |           |                 |authentication |                  |
   |           |                 |status         |                  |
   +           +-----------------+---------------+------------------+
   |           | isis            |authentication | none             |
   |           |                 |status         |                  |
   +           +-----------------+---------------+------------------+
   |           | rip             |address-family | address-family   |
   |           |                 |authentication |                  |
   |           |                 |status         |                  |
   +           +-----------------+---------------+------------------+
   |           | vrrp            |address-family | address-family   |
   |           |                 |status         |                  |
   |           |                 |               |                  |
   |   oam                       |bfd-profile    | bfd-profile      |
   |                             |status         |                  |
   |                             |encryption     |authentication    |
   |   security                  |               |encryption        |
   |                             |               |                  |
   |                             |rate-limit     |bandwidth         |
   |   service                   |qos-profile    |qos-profile       |
   |                             |acl            |qos-classification|
   |                             |test-only      |no equivalent     |
   |   Other functions           |               |                  |
   |                             |Hierarchical AC|                  |
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