Hi Tiru,

Many thanks for the review. Forwarding it to the list, fwiw.

I trust the authors will follow up. See one comment inline.


De : tirumal reddy <kond...@gmail.com>
Envoyé : mardi 7 mai 2024 15:17
À : BOUCADAIR Mohamed INNOV/NET <mohamed.boucad...@orange.com>
Cc : draft-ietf-opsawg-tacacs-tl...@ietf.org
Objet : Re: Request to review draft-ietf-opsawg-tacacs-tls13

My comments on the use of TLS in the draft.


   TACACS+ over TLS takes the protocol defined in [RFC8907], removes the
   option for MD5 obfuscation, and specifies the use of TLS (version 1.3
   or later) for transport using a new well-known default server port
   number.  The next sections provide further details and guidance.

Comments> I suggest to use normative language that TACACS+ MUST use TLS 1.3. 
You may want to add that "It is expected that TACACS+ as described in this 
document will work with future versions of TLS."
You may also want to say that earlier versions of TLS MUST NOT be used,

2. Implementations MUST support TLS 1.3 [RFC8446] and MAY permit TLS 1.3
   session resumption.  If resumption is supported, the resumption
   ticket_lifetime SHOULD be configurable, including a zero seconds

Comment> Session resumption is an in-built feature of TLS 1.3 and I don't see 
the need to use "MAY".

3. This document makes no cipher suite recommendations, but
   recommendations can be found in the TLS Cipher Suites section of the
   Section 4.3 of [RFC9325].

Comment> I don't see a need to refer to RFC9325 (it is specific to (D)TLS 1.2).
[Med] My understand is that RFC covers 1.3 given that it says explicitly:

This BCP applies to TLS 1.3, TLS 1.2, and earlier versions.

The tacacs+ spec has also the following:

   Those implementing and deploying
   Secure TACACS+ must adhere to the recommendations relevant to TLS 1.3
   outlined in [RFC9325], or its subsequent versions.

   This document outlines additional restrictions permissible under
   [RFC9325].  For example, any recommendations referring to TLS 1.2,
  including the mandatory support, are not relevant for Secure TACACS+
   as TLS 1.3 or above is mandated.

  RFC9325 is referred to in several places in the document and the same comment 

4.  TLS Certificate Path Verification

   Implementations MUST support certificate Path verification as
   described in [RFC5280].

   Because a peer could be isolated from a remote peer's Certificate
   Authority (CA), implementations MUST support certificate chains
   (a.k.a. bundles or chains of trust), where the entire chain of the
   remote's certificate is stored on the local peer.  TLS Cached
   Information Extension [RFC7924] SHOULD be implemented.  This MAY be
   augmented with Raw Public Keys [RFC7250].

Comment> Is it referring to PKIX-based authentication or use of local CA or 
both ? Please elaborate.
Comment> How will the client identify the server identity (domain name) ?
Comment> I am assuming the client MUST verify the chain of certificates up to a 
trust anchor as described in Section 6 of [RFC5280].  The client SHOULD use the 
default system or application trust anchors, unless otherwise configured.
Comment> Why "SHOULD" and not use "MUST" ?
Comment> What is the need to support raw public keys ?. The main security 
challenge with raw public keys is how to associate the public key with a 
specific entity and revocation (e.g., private key is compromised).

5.    Device Identity based validation methods where the peer's identity is
   used in the certificate subjectName.  This is applicable in
   deployments where the device securely supports an identity which is
   shared with its peer.  This approach allows a peer's network location
   to be reconfigured without issuing a new client certificate.  Only
   the local server mapping needs to be updated.

Comment> You may want to leverage SAN instead of subjectName (for example, see 
Comment> I am not sure what you mean by "Network location based validation 
methods" ?

6.    Implementations SHOULD support the TLS Server Name Indication
   extension (Section 3 of [RFC6066]), and SHOULD include the server
   domain name in the SNI "server_name" extension of the client hello.

Comment> Please explain the exception scenarios where SNI is not required.

7. If TLS Encrypted Client Hello becomes standardized and applicable to
   TLS 1.3, then it SHOULD be included in Secure TACACS+ implementation.

Comment> It will be a standard and ECH is already deployed. I don't think ECH 
is applicable to TACACS deployment (e.g., ECH will require a public provider, 
see https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-ietf-tls-esni-18.html#section-3).


On Thu, 25 Apr 2024 at 13:24, 
<mohamed.boucad...@orange.com<mailto:mohamed.boucad...@orange.com>> wrote:
Hi Tiru,

Can you please review this document (draft-ietf-opsawg-tacacs-tls13-07 - 
1.3<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-opsawg-tacacs-tls13/>) and 
share comments/suggestions you may have?

The document is short and easy to read.

Feel free to send your review to the opsawg mailing list or here. I will then 
relay them, unless you have objections.

Thank you.

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