"Ringo Kamens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,

"I want to add my two cents about child porn. Censorship is censorship, it >doesn't matter what you 
censor or by what logic you censor. Banning child >porn is censorship, copyright is censorship, and 
stopping people from >speaking who have opposing political views is censrorship. It seems to be >a 
well known fact that freenet is filled with pedophilia, yet freenet is just >fine and dandy. If 
pedophilia was a real threat to privacy services, then >proxies wouldn't exist."

I can understand your concern with my suggestion from a "censorship" viewpoint, 
but we have to be PRACTICAL, if not moral.

The failure of other systems (networks etc) to be practical about child porn is 
one of the main reasons we have so much spying on us today.

And we, the public, are picking up the bill for this spying (taxes) and we are 
paying in many other ways as well.

We are paying with "fear" (if you run a Tor EXIT) of arrest and prosecution, for many more mere accusation, just for even running a Tor server or a Tor client is enough to keep many away from the Tor network. Just take a look at the mail for our French EXIT server raided last week.
I believe we should take a lead, and offer the EXIT servers protection from some mis-use of this 
variety and the users protection from possible "walking into" or being "tricked 
into" UNKNOWINGLY downloading a web page wtih this subject matter on it.

This is WHY I suggested the use of EXIT node filter lists, whatever the EXIt 
node wants, and with clients getting the option to specify the EXIt node also 
protects them by using specified list(s) at minimum to protect them.

Also my suggestions protect from general censorship. In this way, we rid 
ourselves of the thin end of the wedge. We declare this is being done to 
protect ourselves and children, and that this is ALL the censorship we are 
willing to allow.

I do understand the difficulties we will be getting ourselves into. But it is 
cheaper for us ALL if the police get to give us a set of block lists for child 
porn than them chasing us all, all over the network. Ok so they will come back 
with more than just child porn... thats when we have to draw the line! Our EXIt 
servers just refuse to allow them to be used.

I assume that the reason its not done already is the same one specified by the 
open networks, cnesorship... but they said it was coz the system couldnt do it 
(a lie). Now the open networks having to log and provide hidden trace 
facilitities (Lawful intercept) inside even the operating systems.

Wouldnt it have been better in the first place to have censored out the child porn, then hold the fort? Then the incentive (as publically expressed by politicians) to attempt to intercept eveything would be VERY much reduced. Do we have any networks that have agreed to this anywhere that we can see as an exmple of what happens if you censor child porn out of your network? If so, it might help our discussions. Thats my lot on this..
Yesyes... Lets ask US Gov, Chinese Gov, Saudi Gov, Cuban Gov, Morality in media, Neonazis, Al-Qaeda, Department of homeland security, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, DEA, High Times, RIAA, MPAA, BSA for blocking lists... We are co-operative people. Pro-Good. Anti-Evil. We wish to kiss everyone's asses. Welcome to the new Tor network. Suitable for everyone on the planet, all ages all places.

I say we only give some freedom to gain much more freedom. Tactics. When some information type becomes far too risky... then we will not hesitate to dump it... But not without a fight... The path of cyberanarchy requires that you are willing to take risks and pain for the cause... It's inevitable that if Tor stands for free flow of information then has enemies... Resistance...

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