On Sat, 2009-05-16 at 10:05 +0200, Noiano wrote:
> cha...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Is anyone know where find an "how to use TOR against HADOPI" ?
> >
> > (Hadopi is the new law in france about P2P: if you download some music
> > or movie with a P2P system, the provider will send you a mail to say
> > stop; if you continue, they send a real letter and after, they stop
> > your connexion and FINE you (and you will continue to pay provider but
> > you will have no right to have an internet connexion :-(( ) 
> > -http://www.p2pnet.net/story/21764 - )
> >
> > Thanks
> You'd better use some VPN service like IPREDator (info here
> http://arstechnica.com/telecom/news/2009/03/the-pirate-bay-to-roll-out-secure-vpn-service.ars).
> Tor is not suitable for P2P.
> Noiano

You could also try i2p for torrents / emule. If you're running Deluge,
you can set peer, tracker, webseed, and DHT proxies independently, so
you could use i2p for the actual data and Tor for the tracker (that is a
supported p2p use of Tor).

You could also switch your P2P to GNUnet, which, while young, shows a
lot of promise IMO.

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