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thus Michael Gomboc spake:
| does anyone know about the legal situation in germany?
| i'm running a middle node. that should be no problem, isn't it?
| rg
| michael

So am I, running a middle node. However, for months now I'm thinking of
reverting it to an exit node as the situation that everyone runs a
middle node, but no one dares to run an exit node just lets TOR die.

Eugen's mail:

| I've used to run a Tor exit with Hetzner a couple years ago, which
| resulted in several tet-a-tetes with the local (Bavaria) police.

sounded very interesting. What was the reason for their visits?

The problem remains: No exit nodes, no reliable/fast/stable/anonymous
TOR. This has to be fixed, and the urgency to fix this gets stronger
every day (see geopolitical stuff, yallayalla).



| On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Eugen Leitl <eu...@leitl.org> wrote:
|> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 08:28:47PM +0200, Sören Weber wrote:
|>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 5:58 PM, Fabian
|>> Keil<freebsd-lis...@fabiankeil.de> wrote:
|>>> Alleged copyright infringements.
|>> Yes, of course. He stated that he doesn't believe that these mails are
|>> caused by the owners of the servers. Rather he thinks that Hetzner
|>> could lose its face in some way.
|> I've used to run a Tor exit with Hetzner a couple years ago, which
|> resulted in several tet-a-tetes with the local (Bavaria) police.
|> I don't think Hetzner will give a damn if you're running a middleman.
|> Especially if it's throttled, so you're not making them lose money
|> on you.
|> According to my last inquiry they won't log connection info (though
|> this might have changed, check for yourself).
|>> Additionally these mails are semi-automatically processed, so they
|>> have to invest manpower to get them forwarded (I'd be happy if they
|>> would just throw them away. Same effect).
|> --
|> Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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