Heh, well, I tell you what.  You send me a hundred thousand dollars,
and after the check clears I'll write you a great windows kernel
driver.  Otherwise, I'm broke, my life is a living hell, and I already
have several projects I work on out of the goodness of my heart, so,
I'm sorry.

Thanks and good luck.

On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 1:13 AM, Flamsmark<flamsm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why not just a Windows kernel driver? Because it hasn't been written yet.
> You're welcome to help write a kernel driver, or a VPN host or whatever else
> you think is the next logical step to improving Tor. However, remember the
> version number: 0.2.1.*. Tor is not a 'finished' piece of software. It is
> not feature-complete; it does not implement everything that's either desired
> or required for ideal use. However, right now, much of the development
> effort is not spent making it easier for clients to use. There's a feeling
> that it's currently 'good enough' that those who really need to use Tor will
> be able to follow the instructions and get it working. If you don't agree
> with that emphasis, again, it's your prerogative to build those feature that
> you think are most important.
> We all look forward to seeing your contributions!

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