On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 02:12 -0400, Ringo wrote:
> I would appreciate any feedback people have on this. This is just an
> idea and it's kind of beta, so don't use this unless you know what
> you're doing. PGP key at bottom of message
> More Secure Tor Browsing Through A Virtual Machine in Ubuntu

I've been trying to get Tor/Privoxy to work on an openSUSE guest in
VirtualBox. I have the Tor and the Privoxy daemon running, but get and
"internal error" in the Torbutton test, and a 503 error trying to access
a Web page. It's actually working in the factory guest. I don't have a
clue what's different. Firewall is the same, so are the config files. It
also works on the host. Do you have any guess what I'm overlooking?


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