On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 21:13 -0700, Jon Cosby wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 02:12 -0400, Ringo wrote:
> > I would appreciate any feedback people have on this. This is just an
> > idea and it's kind of beta, so don't use this unless you know what
> > you're doing. PGP key at bottom of message
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > More Secure Tor Browsing Through A Virtual Machine in Ubuntu
> > 
> I've been trying to get Tor/Privoxy to work on an openSUSE guest in
> VirtualBox. I have the Tor and the Privoxy daemon running, but get and
> "internal error" in the Torbutton test, and a 503 error trying to access
> a Web page. It's actually working in the factory guest. I don't have a
> clue what's different. Firewall is the same, so are the config files. It
> also works on the host. Do you have any guess what I'm overlooking?

Checking the tor log, I'm getting warnings that my clock is "behind the
time." My clocks are set correctly. Anyone know what this is about?


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