On Sun, 2009-12-27 at 09:58 -0500, basile wrote:

> arshad wrote:
> > i want the traffic be encrypted as well?
> > any workarounds?
> >
> > thanks.
> >
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> >   
> It is encrypted except at the exit unless you use https or imaps or
> whatever protocol + s.
> Let me illustrate.  Suppose you go to http://www.google.com via
> privoxy+tor, then you establish a tunnel like this:
>              --------Tor's encryption--------------
> client         ------ clear http ------------->        Tor Relay ...
>              --------Tor's encryption--------------
> This continues until you get to the exit
> --------Tor's encryption--------------
>     ------ clear http ------------->         Tor Exit ------ clear http
> ----->
> --------Tor's encryption--------------
> So sniffing is impossible except at the exit.   The admin at the tor
> exit should never look at the traffic leaving his/her node.
> If you repeat the above, but go to https://www.google.com (note the
> http+s), then the above changes in that the clear http is replaced by
> encrypted https.  Then even the tor exit node admin can't see your traffic.
> Hope this helps and that my ascii art didn't get wrapped beyond readability.

thank you very much for your reply.
the the ascii art really helped.
now i have two doubts in this.
1) is no one able to decrypt the tor's encryption?
2) how can i trust the person who runs the tor's exit node?

optional -3) [forgive me if it is too silly]
why people run TOR nodes? is that only to support the community or other
benifits as well?

thank you very much.
best regards.

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