Hi all,

I've visited http://torstatus.all.de to get some tor servers from germany. I thought it's enough to look on the country flag, but I've noticed a strange entry on this page. I found a router with name "bleakgadfly5 <file:///C:/Users/Nico%20Weinreich/Desktop/TOR/router_detail.php?FP=f1a05306b76358908111e15396e663344a186888>" which belongs to germany (at least all.de claims so) with ip and the hostname of this server is "hosted-by-vps-hosting.co.uk". You can see the .co.uk domain and a whois for this ip gave a "GB" for country. So, do I have to check ever the whois for an ip or is there another way to be sure to use a german server?

So long, Nico
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