Olaf Selke schrieb:
what do you consider a "German server"?

- a server with a German ip address according to the ripe db
- a server physically located in Germany
- a server with an ip address reverse resolving to a .de domain
- a server operated by a German individual

I think the first and third arguments are the interesting one for me. Resolving an ip to a domain isn't possible all the time, because some ip addresses don't resolve.

Recently I dumped my own dns cache into a perl script and compared the
ip addresses stored with those from an open danish dns server poisoned
with the danish dns blocklist. I found a lot of blocked servers within
the Chinese tld .cn using ip address space from the US.

OK, but there are german ip addresses which resolve to a .net domain or so. A check against ripe db would be the best. So there is the "whois for all ip addresses" again.

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