M schrieb:
> tor-proxy.net
> Is it a good alternative if i am out without my TorBrowser Bundle?

Have a look at the privacy statement of tor-proxy.net

> In the context of the use of Tor-Proxy.NET various data (so-called
> Logs) results, which do not link to a person directly.
> To it belong:
>    * the IP address of the calling
>   * the used Browser
>    * the used operating system
>    * the Website visited last (so-called Referrer)
>    * the prefered language
>    * the screen resolution
>   * the called URL
>    * Time of the access

Your IP address will be logged together with the called URL and
timestamp! I do not know, why Benjamin is logging like full data
rentention. (May be, I did not see the ads?)

There are two log data free tor web proxies online:


Both web proxies do not write any access log file. Both proxies were
setup to enable access to hidden services without installing tor.

Best regards
Karsten N.

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