Thanks much for the info everyone, and thanks for the links Karsten N.

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 7:52 PM, Olaf Selke <> wrote:

> Benjamin S. schrieb:
> >
> > I don't know if anonymouse is logging and if so, under which
> > circumstances they give those logs. I do log, because I'm sitting in
> > Germany where I'm forced to do so by the data retention law.
> to make a long story short: I'm on Bundesnetzagentur's radar since at
> least one year by police's request regarding obligation for data
> retention "ยง113a TKG Vorratsdatenspeicherung". In June 2009 there has
> been some correspondence in writing between the Bundesnetzagentur and my
> lawyer. In the end they no longer threatened me with a fine for
> violating German data retention law. Thus my exit node still neither
> collects any data nor do I store any (already not existing) logs for six
> months.
> > Even I'm law-student, so I know a little bit 'bout when I have to give
> > away the logs and when not. (you can read about this here[1])
> Germany situation is such that you have to hand over your logs on
> authority's request. There's no choice to retain them.
> Olaf
> * the German Bundesnetzagentur is similar to the Ofcom in the UK.
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