Another Hi,

somewhat more corrected version (thank you very much, Hannah!)

> Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
>  I am the operator of the server that was reachable under the IP
> that was accused for copyright infringements of material
>  which owner you represent. As you may noticed, there was a Tor exit
>  node running on this computer by the time you noticed the
>  infringement. The infringement in question came from the tor network,
> they were neither committed nor otherwise caused by my action .
>  With participating in the Onion Router, both my ISP and the
>  server behind the IP in question were acting as conduit. For this
>  situation, both german law ( §8 Telemediengesetz ) and US law (DMCA
>  512  ) have specific provisions. The "notice and takedown" provisions
> do not apply in this
>  scenario, instead the "conduit" safe harbor scenario applies as of
>  DMCA 512(a) that has different and less burdensome requirements, as
>  the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals held in RIAA v. Verizon (see
>  and the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals confirmed in RIAA v. Charter
>  (see
>  Since the routing of traffic in the Onion Router is anonymous, I am
>  unable to provide you with Information about the individual possibly
>  being accountable for the infringement in question.
> I apologize for the late reaction. I refuse any liability for the
> infringement in question for the reasons stated above.
> Nevertheless, the server behind the IP in question is already shut
> down immediately after receipt of the DMCA takedown notice so you can
> expect no further infringements from the IP.
>  Regards,
>  Arian Sanusi

>>> I am the operator of the server that was reachable under the IP
>>> that was accused for copyright infringements of material
>>> which owner you represent. As you may noticed, there was a Tor exit
> Probably rather not, or do you think they actually check for tor exits
> before sending out their complaints/notices? (Ok, one thought would be
> yes they do and they still send them out in order to scare people away
> from running tor nodes.)
nope, that was just one way of introducing TOR that came to my mind ;)
>>> node running on this computer by the time you noticed the
>>> infringement. The infringement in question came from the tor network.
>>> With participating in the Onion Router, both my ISP and the
>>> server behind the IP in question were acting as conduit. For this
>>> situation, both german law ( §8 Telemediengesetz ) and US law (DMCA
>>> 512). The "notice and takedown" provisions do not apply in this
>        ^
> This sentence no verb. (I'd suggest "have specific provisions".)
> Note that for the relationship between you and your server colocation
> provider, probably only German domestic law will apply. You should check
> the Terms & Conditions (AGB) exactly for the responsibilities you might
> assume there *in relation to your provider*, §8 TMG nonwithstanding, for
> example. (Of course, the Terms & Conditions might be invalid in part,
> especially if it's a "consumer contract" [Verbrauchervertrag], but that
> might be difficult legal matter, and I'm not a lawyer, and even if I
> were, I would still not be entitled to give you legal advise over a
> mailing list.)
I think so, too. The paragraphs of the AGB that apply are: (nothing much
interesting to read, applying statement:

The customer obligates himself to adhere to applying laws and to omit
actions that interfere with the operation of netcup's servers.
Particularly the following actions are prohibited:
- ...
- hosting and making available of Data and Material with pornographic,
commercial erotic character and of copyrighted Material the user is not
allowed to distribute (p. ex. Warez-pages, illegal MP3-Downloads
- ...

> Der Kunde verpflichtet sich, bei der Nutzung der von netcup zur
> Verfügung gestellten Dienste die maßgeblichen gesetzlichen
> Vorschriften einzuhalten und Maßnahmen zu unterlassen, die zu einer
> Störung des Betriebs der Server von netcup führen könnten. Untersagt
> sind insbesondere folgende Handlungen:
>     * massenhafter Versand von unangeforderten Werbe-Emails (Spam)
>     * Hinterlegen und Zugänglichmachen von Daten und Material mit
>       pornographischem, kommerziellem erotischem Charakter und von
>       urheberrechtlich geschütztem Material, zu deren Verbreitung der
>       Nutzer nicht berechtigt ist (z.B. sog. "Warez"-Seiten, illegale
>       MP3-Downloads)
>     * Hinterlegen und Zugänglichmachen von Daten und Material mit
>       links- oder rechtsradikalem Inhalt oder beleidigendem Charakter,
>       Aufruf zu Terrorismus und Gewalttaten
>     * Betreiben von Serverdiensten , die eine besonders starke
>       Rechnerlast verursachen; dies gilt nicht bei dedizierten und
>       virtuellen Servern
> Dem Kunden ist bewusst, dass eine Prüfung der von ihm hinterlegten
> Inhalte durch netcup nicht erfolgt, sondern er selbst für die
> Rechtmäßigkeit dieser Inhalte verantwortlich ist.
The customer is liable for every direct and indirect damages (even
missed gains), that occur to netcup from violation of the contractual
dutys that result from No 5 of this AGB.
> Der Kunde haftet für sämtliche direkten und mittelbaren Schäden (auch
> entgangenen Gewinn), die netcup aus einer Verletzung der vertraglichen
> Pflichten aus Nr. 5 dieser AGB entstehen.
I think I have to check this sentence with a lawyer.
> Kind regards,
> Hannah.

Yours, Arian
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