Infringing Work: 90210
First Found: 21 Jan 2010 xx:xx:xx EST (GMT -0500)
Last Found: 21 Jan 2010 xx:xx:xx EST (GMT -0500)
IP Address:
IP Port: 37278
Protocol: BitTorrent
Torrent InfoHash: D1A9A5301B873BB56944F9EA23B23A9C330687ED
Containing file(s):
90210.S02E12.Winter.Wonderland.HDTV.XviD-FQM.avi.torrent (367,143,776 bytes)

Keep in mind that this also appears to be simply a torrent scrape.
Though yes, a hash seemingly indicates content up to 160 bits worth of
sureness... they likely never bothered to actually _download_ and
compare _anything_, so they wouldn't have any proof of actual
infringement in that case. Nor would such a case have any proof of
'making available' unless it actually was available. The user behind
your tor node could have been running a fake torrent client, fake
data, etc. ...Just in case someone needs more ways to defend against
this sort of drivel beyond the common carrier exceptions.

Somewhere on the torproject website are some good dmca reply templates.

As to whether or not 90210 is even worth the bandwidth, that's another
story, haha...
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