
I'm in no way a security expert.  I never ran "TorChat" but I did read the 
source code. Read on why I haven't run it.

"TorChat" is an inofficial chat client for the Tor network.  I like the idea 
behind "TorChat": easy to use, usb-stick portable and runs on Windows 98.

These are the problems I see with "TorChat":

1. No authentication.  There is no way you can know for sure that the person 
you are chatting with is the person you chatted with yesterday.  Tor's hidden 
services don't make any such guarantees about incoming connections. The clients 
stay anonymous.

2. To make things even worse, the only information needed to impersonate a 
buddy is their .onion address.

3. Buddies have control over your buddylist.  It is just a matter of 
identifying as a buddy and telling the software to remove this said buddy.

I don't think these are the only problems, but the first one alone is enough to 
conclude that "TorChat" cannot give adequate security.  It's too easy to 
impersonate people.  "TorChat" lives off the name of the Tor Project, but 
unfortunately doesn't deliver.

It is possible to run Off-the-Record Messaging over Tor.  Off-the-Record 
Messaging has all kinds of features: encryption, perfect forward secrecy and 
deniable authentication.  And it doesn't have the problems of "TorChat".

Best regards,


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