On 2010-02-23 Paul Campbell wrote:
> "TorChat" is an inofficial chat client for the Tor network.  I like
> the idea behind "TorChat": easy to use, usb-stick portable and runs on
> Windows 98.
> These are the problems I see with "TorChat":
> 1. No authentication.  There is no way you can know for sure that the
> person you are chatting with is the person you chatted with yesterday.
> Tor's hidden services don't make any such guarantees about incoming
> connections. The clients stay anonymous.

Which, if you think about it, is the whole point of anonymizing

Ansgar Wiechers
"Avoid third party code whenever possible.
Take the time and reinvent the damn wheel."
--The Peon's Guide To Secure System Development
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