
In practice, with that config file, dns queries are passed to tor
directly for resolution, not being done by polipo nor the actual system
Thank you for the confirmation.
If you change the options, you should see polipo query your local dns
resolver either directly, or via gethostbyname.

So, the option "reluctantly" for dnsUseGethostbyname would mean DNS requests are done by Tor and are only done by Polipo if Tor DNS fails or does it mean DNS requests are now done by Polipo usually and only done by the system resolver if Polipo DNS fails?

The manual says for "reluctantly" - "Polipo tries to speak DNS and falls back to the system resolver if a name server could not be contacted." I am unclear where it tries to speak DNS - would this be before Tor or would the DNS still get pushed through Tor even though the configuration file has been modified?
I agree the config needs more clarity and to match an actual option as
specified in the info page.  I'll add it as a bug to research.
I am still confused regarding what "yes" actually means - does it refer to the default which is "reluctantly" or does it mean nothing to Polipo and is just ignored? In which case why not just comment this option out?

Thank you for your help!
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