I'm not sure whether either of these bugs are fixed at present (ugh). So
I'd recommend sticking with yes (or true, I guess it's called now).

If "yes" is the same as "true" then this is a setting the Polipo manual
strongly advises against. "Finally, if dnsUseGethostbyname is true,
Polipo never tries to speak DNS itself and uses the system resolver straight away 
(this is not recommended)."

----- Given those, and since polipo shouldn't be doing any dns resolves anyway
when it's using a socks5 proxy, I figured I'd go for the choice that
exposed less surface area.

My fundamental question is this:

If the config file says "yes" to dnsUseGethostbyname then Tor does the DNS resolution. If however the config file says something else e.g. "reluctantly" (The manual says "if it is reluctantly (the default), Polipo tries to speak DNS and falls back to the system resolver if a name server could not be contacted.") then does Polipo do its own DNS resolution and then pass this on to Tor therefore leaking?

Or, are you saying, that "since polipo shouldn't be doing any dns resolves anyway when it's using a socks5 proxy" the value of dnsUseGethostbyname is not relevant when using Polipo with Tor since Tor will ALWAYS do DNS resolution because of socksParentProxy = "localhost:9050" and socksProxyType = socks5.

If yes then my first question is moot.

This is what is confusing me the most - whether changing dnsUseGethostbyname means Polipo (not Tor) now does the DNS resolution.


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