-----Original Message-----
From: Jim <jimmy...@copper.net>
To: or-talk@freehaven.net
Sent: Wed, Apr 21, 2010 1:39 am
Subject: Re: Firefox configurations for tor with Mac ppc

zzzjethro...@email2me.net wrote:

> Here are a few configs (firefox-windows vs. mac), that are different and
> I'm wondering if I should change them?


> network.proxy.http                 my mac is localhost
> network.proxy.socks            my mac is local host
> network.proxy                         my mac is localhost


I'll let others respond to other configuration differences, but for what
is listed above, you should know that localhost and are two
different ways of referring to the same thing.  (It is an IP address
that allows different programs on your computer to talk to each other
using Internet Protocol.)  So what you've listed above is not really a
difference, so there is no need to change those.  (I am assuming you
simply made a typo on the second line and on your computer "localhost"
actually is one word.)

Also, would you be so kind in future posts to put your responses *below*
what you are responding to, like I have done in this email and like most
posts you see on this list?  It really does make reading the posts
*much* easier. (As such, it probably also increases the chance that
somebody will reply.)  -- Thanks.


HI and thanks for the response.
Very sorry about the posting incorrectly. How's this? :) Yes, your assumption 
is correct. I guess I hit the spac e bar, like that,  

Here's a few more. Hope someone notices them and checks them out.   Should I 
change my mac?

browser.safebrowsing.enabled     false    mac is true
browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled    false    mac is true
browser.search.suggest.enabled    false    mac is true
extensions.torbutton.locked_node        true     mac is false
extensions.torbutton.proxies_applied      true    mac is false
extensions.torbutton.restore_tor         true       mac is false
extensions.torbutton.settings_applied      true     mac is false
extensions.torbutton.tor_enabled          true        mac is false

network.cookie.cookieBehavior          1         mac is   2
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.mailto        true        mac is false
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.news         true         mac is false
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.nntp           true        mac is false
network.protocol-handler.warn-external.snews        true        mac is false

Thanks anyone in advance for help with these.

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