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Am 21.04.10 02:53, schrieb zzzjethro...@email2me.net:

> Here's a few more. Hope someone notices them and checks them out.   Should I 
> change my mac?
> browser.safebrowsing.enabled     false    mac is true
> browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled    false    mac is true
safebrowsing is checking addresses against known "bad" sites. this list
will be retrieved from google periodicaly. This is the "enumerate
badware" aproach which is inheriently flawed. If you use active blockers
like noscript and alike, you gain much more security (eg, the "whitelist
known good stuff" aproach)
> browser.search.suggest.enabled    false    mac is true
you may want to turn this off since it may leak information to outside.

> extensions.torbutton.locked_node        true     mac is false
> extensions.torbutton.proxies_applied      true    mac is false
> extensions.torbutton.restore_tor         true       mac is false
> extensions.torbutton.settings_applied      true     mac is false
> extensions.torbutton.tor_enabled          true        mac is false
Those are state settings for torbutton. i dont think you should change them.
Read http://www.torproject.org/torbutton/design/#id2977751 for details
> network.cookie.cookieBehavior          1         mac is   2
cookies disabled on mac. good for privacy. you may want to use a plugin
like cookiesafe to manage cookies in a more controlable way (the "always
off" doesnt work for some sites).
> network.protocol-handler.warn-external.mailto        true        mac is false
> network.protocol-handler.warn-external.news         true         mac is false
> network.protocol-handler.warn-external.nntp           true        mac is false
> network.protocol-handler.warn-external.snews        true        mac is false
This decides if you get a warning before open urls that will be handled
by external application. Eg, click a mailto://-link and it opens your
mail-application. Your mac will open mail and news without asking if you
click a link.
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.14 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/

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