On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:34:10 +0200
Jerzy Łogiewa <jerz...@interia.eu> wrote:
> i have an idea- i would like an app for easily controlling what gui
> and non-gui apps are using tor, like with little snitch on the mac.

You're welcome to try to make the application. Perhaps what you're
running into is the system proxy settings and apps that honor those
settings versus apps that have their own proxy settings and ignore the
system settings.

> in the best case it should detect like little snitch if an app that
> is to be proxied is opening and automatically route it the proper
> way, yes? i can program a little. is there some list member who can
> help to outline the basic idea?

It sounds like you want a gui for tsocks.

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

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