is a gui for tsocks all that would be necessary?

strange, when I type for example tsocks 
/Applications/ the application gui never seems 
to appear.

anyway this is a hard way to launch apps :)

Jerzy Łogiewa --

On Jul 21, 2010, at 2:20 AM, Andrew Lewman wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Jul 2010 15:34:10 +0200
> Jerzy Łogiewa <> wrote:
>> i have an idea- i would like an app for easily controlling what gui
>> and non-gui apps are using tor, like with little snitch on the mac.
> You're welcome to try to make the application. Perhaps what you're
> running into is the system proxy settings and apps that honor those
> settings versus apps that have their own proxy settings and ignore the
> system settings.
>> in the best case it should detect like little snitch if an app that
>> is to be proxied is opening and automatically route it the proper
>> way, yes? i can program a little. is there some list member who can
>> help to outline the basic idea?
> It sounds like you want a gui for tsocks.

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