That being said, you should look into the bridge concept.

On 25.07.2010 23:50, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Praedor Atrebates <> wrote:
>> At work I am unable to run or use tor even from a USB key - they are 
>> prevented from working. It might be nice to have a website(s) that act as 
>> entry points to tor and that use names that do not immediately scream TOR 
>> PROXY SERVER!  TOR ENTRY POINT RIGHT HERE! so that it is less likely for IT 
>> departments to be able to easily block access to such (I am also prevented 
>> from accessing any proxy servers and they often name themselves as proxies 
>> to boot so they scream their nature and make it easy to block).  Is there 
>> any way to create tor entry point servers that provide the benefits of the 
>> tor network without the cost of providing the site with user ID AND endpoint 
>> site?
> If you do not control the computer you are using then you have already
> lost the privacy/censorship battle and TOR can't help you.
> If someone wanted to run an open proxy network which exited via tor
> there is no way that we could stop them... but they should NOT use the
> word "tor" to describe their service because such a service would NOT
> and could NOT provide the anonymity protection which tor is intended
> to provide.
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