On Sun, 2010-07-25 at 22:39 -0400, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Kory Kirk <kory.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >   Torbutton is just a firefox extension. I have no idea how it could be
> > shipped including tor itself.  In my experience with windows machines in
> > computer labs, you are able to install firefox extensions without the
> > permissions to install programs. I mentioned torbutton for automatic
> > checksum verification of the jar, it wouldn't be necessary - just
> > convenient, because it could be done manually as well.
> Firefox extensions can and do include arbitrary binary native code,
> e.g. Firefogg includes ffmpeg, and I'm sure many others include native
> code too. "Just an extension" is not a great way of thinking about
> extensions!
> If people subject to policy restrictions really can't install
> "software" but can install extensions then an extension might be an
> excellent way of getting tor software to people... perhaps a stripped
> down end user proxy only distribution of Tor.
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also, there should be some sort of solutions, by which Tor should be
able to run in all mobile devices.
not only in androids.

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