Quoting and...@torproject.org:

On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 03:08:25PM +0100, jason.coo...@heckrothindustries.co.uk wrote 1.2K bytes in 23 lines about:
Over the last few months I have been having a play with a crude tor
simulator (it just simulates the circuit building part of tor).  I did
three different types of simulation from point of view of a number of
organisations trying adding their own nodes to the network in an attempt
to control both the entrance and exit nodes.

Have you read through anonbib and seen the research that covers this


I have to confess that I haven't read most of the papers on there. Was there some specific ones that you had in mind? If so then I will read them and add links to the related ones in my blog post.

I have seen Xinwen Fu's paper (http://www.cs.uml.edu/~xinwenfu/paper/SPCC10_Fu.pdf) after my original posting to the list and added a link to it in my blog post as it gives a lot of details about properties seen.

The one difference between my quick analysis and the papers that I have read so far, other than theirs being a much more in depth analysis, is that I was looking at it from the point of view of multiple entities trying to control entrance/exit nodes. Most analysis I have seen only look at it from the point of view of one entity, and it was interesting the way that if multiple entities all tried to reach the same goal independently then they would interfere with each other. I found this interesting as I imagine that it would be very unlikely that a single organisation would want to monitor tor traffic in this way, it would more likely be none or more than one organisation trying to do this.


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