On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 01:36:18AM -0500, Scott Bennett wrote:
>      I had planned to upgrade my node from this evening to
>, but there is an unfortunate and apparently gratuitous, new
> restriction upon "ExcludeNodes" and "ExcludeExitNodes" that, for the moment
> at least, is preventing me from upgrading.

> Sep 10 01:15:29.753 [warn] Option 'ExcludeExitNodes' used more than once; all 
> but the last value will be ignored.
> Sep 10 01:15:29.753 [warn] Option 'ExcludeNodes' used more than once; all but 
> the last value will be ignored.

The ChangeLog entry in question is:
    - Warn when the same option is provided more than once in a torrc
      file, on the command line, or in a single SETCONF statement, and
      the option is one that only accepts a single line. Closes bug 1384.

>      To the developers:  please fix the next release of -alpha to allow the
> use of multiple ExcludeExitNodes and ExcludeNodes lines again.  Thank you.

As I understand it, we changed no behavior except printing out a warn
for people who had multiple lines, to tell them that they're expecting
behavior that they're not getting.

Can you confirm?


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