On 09/10/2010 01:05 AM, Sebastian Hahn wrote:

On Sep 10, 2010, at 9:57 AM, Scott Bennett wrote:

On Fri, 10 Sep 2010 03:39:44 -0400 Roger Dingledine <a...@mit.edu>
As I understand it, we changed no behavior except printing out a warn
for people who had multiple lines, to tell them that they're expecting
behavior that they're not getting.

[extremely shocked pause...]
Roger, please tell me that you're joking. I have *never* had the
understanding from reading the documentation in all of the years I've
using tor that only a single line of each type would be used. How, then,
are we to exclude all of the nodes that we find unacceptable for use
in our
own circuits?
If what you say is actually the case, then it would seem that a problem
described on this list on many occasions during the last few years
may, in
fact, have been due to this horrible limitation. Several of us have
on numerous occasions that adding a node to one list or the other and
SIGHUP to tor (or restarting it) failed to prevent that node from
being used
in the manner that we had expressly excluded. If what you say is
indeed the
case, then it is a truly awful design bug.

Yup, that's the actual behaviour. Good thing we added the warn, otherwise
it might have gone unnoticed longer.

Uh oh...

F. Fox
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