On 12/18/2010 10:20 AM, scar wrote:
> Mike Perry @ 12/17/2010 07:24 PM:
> > See:
> >
> https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tips-running-exit-node-minimal-harassment
> thanks.  i checked that out.  i took the first step of directly
> contacting my ISP (Qwest) and mentioned my reasons for running the exit
> router, as well as links to the documents mentioned in the first step.
> below is the representative's response.  although it is riddled with
> misconceptions, the part referring to section 7 of the service agreement
> seems relevant.  suggestions?
> Dmca violations are treated seriously by Qwest and if they continue you
> will lose your DSL service.
> You mentioned you were operating a "Tor exit router" which normally is
> used for the purpose of
> hiding ip addresses. If you are allowing people on the internet to hide
> their ip addresses by routing
> through your DSL  "Tor exit router", then you are violating your DSL
> service agreement with Qwest.
> You can find the Qwest DSL service agreement at
> http://www.qwest.com/legal/highspeedinternetsubscriberagreement.
> Under "7. Service Conditions" it state that your residential DSL service
> is only for the use of your  pcs
> within your home. You cannot allow others, outside your house,  to use
> it for the purpose of hiding their ip addresses.
> You also are responsible for any harmful or illegal traffic that comes
> from your DSL modem. The fact that
> your "Tor service" is a configured to block the most common ports
> associated with abuse does not release
> you from this responsibility. If you are charging money for the use of
> the "Tor service" then you are violating the terms of both your
> residential phone service and your residential DSL service with Qwest
> as you are not allowed to use either for running a business.

I guess we can add Qwest to the list of shitty ISP's. 
Clueless like the rest of them.

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