> your residential DSL service
> is only for the use of your  pcs
> within your home.

> You also are responsible for any harmful or illegal traffic that comes
> from your DSL modem.

When others among you are faced with contracts that state
these two things... it may be worthwhile to defer mentioning
what you are running and why (as in the former), until you
have exausted all attempts to get the ISP to hand off the
latter to you. Such as by writing them a note directing them
to forward all such requsts to you for direct processing between
you and the complainant. And that you expect the complainant
to withdraw said complain from ISP in a timely fashion as the result.
Then you can take your case up with the complainant and maybe
they will listen and dismiss.

Yeah, we all know the likelihood of that, but unless you've
sent them the Tor boilerplate and specifically requested
dismissal, there's no point in doubly jeopardizing youself
with your ISP in the very first move.

Now the mafia may not dismiss. But say your line was used
to hack an edu system or post drivel on some board, etc.
Those types may be much more likely to understand in
your explanation as Tor as common carrier. And therefore

Always read your contract and plan your moves ahead.
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