On Wed, 29 Dec 2010 14:02:34 -0500
grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > We've generally suggested gmail because their bulk account creation
> > process was good. It seems this is not the case any more.
> What is this bulk account creation you speak of?

Gmail used to have the ability to stop bots from creating accounts en
masse.  gmail doesn't have this ability any more.

> > This is false. I just created a gmail account via tor without
> > needing a phone number or any other information.
> Hmm, you mean "just", as in today? What exit were you using?
> Want to sell the account for bitcoins? Kidding :-)

As in around 08:45 AM EST. I didn't look to see which exit, it just
worked, just a captcha required.

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