Jon wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 10:38 AM, The Doctor <> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On 12/29/2010 08:38 AM, Orionjur Tor-admin wrote:
>>> I heard that many times from differen people but I cannot creat any
>>> gmail account without asking sms-verification about 2 or 3 years... And
>>> tried do it many times
>> For what it is worth, I just tried, and was unsuccessful in the attempt.
>>  I had to answer a CAPCHA (which is not a big deal) but was then
>> confronted with a request to receive either a text message or a phone
>> call.  Sorry - that is a deal breaker.
>> - --
>  I tried also,  and had to do a captcha and this is what the next page said:
> Verify your account
> You're almost done! We just need to verify your account before we can
> create it.
> Account verification helps with:
> Preventing spam: we try to verify that real people, not robots, are
> creating accounts.
> Recovering account access: we will use your information to verify your
> identity if you ever lose access to your account.
> Communication: we will use your information to notify you of important
> changes to your account (for example, password changes from a new
> location).
> Unless you explicitly tell us to do so, your phone number will never
> be sold or shared with other companies, and we will not use it for any
> purpose other than during this verification step and for password
> recovery and account security issues. In other words, you don't have
> to worry about getting spam calls or text messages from us, ever.
> For more information, please read our frequently asked questions.
> Verification Options
>   Text Message
>  Google will send a text message containing a verification code to
> your mobile phone.
>   Voice Call
>  Google will make an automated voice call to your phone with a
> verification code
> I then tried again with a German exit, and had no problems. Since I
> don't speak German very well, I had to guess some, but it went thru
> with out any captcha..
> Am wondering if it is only with a US exit or if it is happening on
> other country exits?
> Jon
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Thanks for the information, I would know it.
About a half of a year I tried to create a gmail account from my real ip
 but have had such result (asking for verification). After that I
decided that it is a general rool of the Google to do it, but - with
according to you information, my decision was wrong.
It seems to me that it very difficult to find out why and when they
require that.
Thanks for that information again.
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