Title: Implementing Stored Procedures

Hi -

I'd like some advice on implementing stored procedures containing application logic (ie. written by developers).  We have several applications where the developers use stored procedures for much of their coding.  We let the developers create or replace their procedures in a development environment under their own schema (with access to all application tables, etc.) to test the logic, but it currently requires a DBA to implement the proc under the application schema.   It has gotten to be a very time-consuming job.  We don't want to give out the schema owner password to the developers, nor do we know of a way they could add them as the schema owner without giving them more privileges than we want.

I am curious of how others are handling stored procedure additions and modifications.    Do you somehow allow developers this access?  If so, how do you restrict them from damaging other things?  If not, does the DBA do it?   Does anyone have an automated way?   Also, do you keep track of the original "source code" for the procedure, or do you extract it out of the database as needed?

Thanks so much for your input -

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