Yes, you are right. However I said it because of some
bugs that can be mostly find on 8.0.5. The sympton is
that when you issue a query over v$bh or v$cache it
gives you no rows selected. 


--- Brian MacLean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Works fine for me on Solaris 2.6 and Oracle
> v8.
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 2:56 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> That doesn't work on 8i. You should change the
> scripts
> using x$bh instead of v$cache and v$bh.
> Regards.
> --- Brian MacLean <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As already stated you get v$bh and v$cache views.
> > 
> > Here is a script that uses them to tell you WTF is
> > using your
> > db_block_buffers.  Sample output follows the
> script
> > (have fun).
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > REM 
> > REM Brian P. Mac Lean 01-JUL-01
> > REM
> > REM SGA DB Block Hogs and Activity
> > REM
> > REM Must Be Run As SYS or Internal
> > REM
> > REM tool_db_buffer_map2.sql
> > REM
> > set verify off
> > set pagesize 36
> > set linesize 132
> > set pause off
> > set pause 'Hit enter to continue'
> > set feedback off
> > set showmode off
> > set echo off
> > 
> > REM
> >
> > 
> > col db_block_size  new_value nv_db_block_size 
> > noprint
> > select value db_block_size from v$parameter where
> > name = 'db_block_size';
> > 
> > REM
> >
> > 
> > ttitle "V$BH, Ordered by Status and Count"
> > col status       format a10   heading
> > "Block|Status|Types"
> > col status2      format a25   heading
> > "Block|Status|Description"
> > col block_status format a32   heading "------Block
> > Status
> > Details------|Dirty-Temp-Ping-Stale-Direct-New"
> > col cnt          format 99999999 heading "Blocks"
> > col sga_kbytes   format 99999999 heading "Kbytes"
> > col sga_mbytes   format 99999999 heading "Mbytes"
> > compute sum of cnt        on report
> > compute sum of sga_kbytes on report
> > compute sum of sga_mbytes on report
> > break on report
> > select count(*) cnt,
> >        count(*) * (&nv_db_block_size / 1024)
> > sga_kbytes,
> >        trunc((count(*) * (&nv_db_block_size /
> 1024))
> > / 1024) sga_mbytes,
> >        status,
> >        decode(upper(status), 'FREE', 'not
> currently
> > in use',
> >                              'XCUR', 'exclusive',
> >                              'SCUR', 'shared
> > current',
> >                              'CR',   'consistent
> > read',
> >                              'READ', 'being read
> > from disk',
> >                              'MREC', 'in media
> > recovery mode',
> >                              'IREC', 'in instance
> > recovery mode', 'UNKNOWN')
> > status2,
> >        dirty || '     ' || temp || '    ' || ping
> ||
> > '    ' || stale || '
> > ' || direct || '      ' || new block_status
> > from v$bh
> > group by status,
> >          dirty || '     ' || temp || '    ' ||
> ping
> > || '    ' || stale || '
> > ' || direct || '      ' || new
> > order by 2,1;
> > clear break
> > clear compute
> > 
> > REM
> >
> > 
> > ttitle off
> > set pause off
> > 
> > PROMPT Sort BY Selections
> > prompt For DB Buffer Cache Map
> > PROMPT ------------------------
> > 
> > PROMPT 1 = Object Owner
> > PROMPT 2 = Object Name
> > PROMPT 3 = Object Type
> > PROMPT 4 = SGA Blocks
> > PROMPT 5 = SGA KBytes
> > PROMPT 6 = Segment KBytes
> > PROMPT 7 = Percent in SGA
> > now:>'
> > col sort_by_number new_value sort_by_number_value
> > noprint
> > col sort_by_text   new_value sort_by_text_value  
> > noprint
> > select decode(&USER_INPUT1, 1,1, 2,2, 3,3, 4,4,
> 5,5,
> > 6,7, 7,9, 4)
> > sort_by_number,
> >        decode(&USER_INPUT1, 1, 'Object Owner',
> >                             2,'Object Name',
> >                             3,'Object Type',
> >                             4,'SGA Blocks',
> >                             5,'SGA KBytes',
> >                             6,'Segment KBytes',
> >                             7,'Percent in SGA',
> >                             'SGA Blocks')
> > sort_by_text
> > from dual;
> > 
> > REM
> >
> > 
> > PROMPT Sort ORDER Selections
> > PROMPT ---------------------
> > 
> > PROMPT 1 = Descending
> > PROMPT 2 = Ascending
> > now:>'
> > col order_by_text   new_value order_by_text_value 
> > noprint
> > select decode(&USER_INPUT2, 1,'Desc', 2,'Asc',
> > 'Desc') order_by_text
> > from dual;
> > 
> > REM
> >
> > 
> objects
> > (Y/N):>'
> > col include_sys   new_value nv_include_sys 
> noprint
> > select decode(upper('&USER_INPUT3'), 'Y','Y', 'N')
> > include_sys
> >   from dual;
> > 
> > REM
> >
> > 
> > set feedback on
> > 
> > create table tmp_v$cache
> >   as select owner#, name, kind, partition_name,
> > count(*) sga_cnt, count(*) *
> > (&nv_db_block_size / 1024) sga_kb
> >        from v$cache
> >       group by owner#, name, kind, partition_name;
> > create index tmp_v$cache_idx
> >   on tmp_v$cache(owner#, name, kind,
> partition_name,
> > sga_cnt, sga_kb);
> > analyze table tmp_v$cache
> >   compute statistics
> >     for table
> >     for all indexes
> >     for all indexed columns;
> > 
> > create table tmp_dba_users
> >   as select user_id, username
> >        from dba_users;
> > create index tmp_dba_users_idx
> >   on tmp_dba_users(user_id, username);
> > analyze table tmp_dba_users
> >   compute statistics
> >     for table
> >     for all indexes
> >     for all indexed columns;
> > 
> > create table tmp_dba_segments
> >  as select owner, segment_name, segment_type,
> > partition_name, blocks *
> > (&nv_db_block_size / 1024) seg_kb
> >       from dba_segments;
> > create index tmp_dba_segments_idx
> >  on tmp_dba_segments(owner, segment_name,
> > segment_type, partition_name,
> > seg_kb);
> > analyze table tmp_dba_segments
> >   compute statistics
> >     for table
> >     for all indexes
> >     for all indexed columns;
> > 
> > REM
> >
> > 
> > PROMPT spooling output to
> > /tmp/tool_db_buffer_map2_&1..lst
> > PROMPT Working, please wait...
> > 
> > set feedback off termout off
> > spool /tmp/tool_db_buffer_map2_&1..lst
> > 
> > ttitle 'Sga Usage, Ordered by &sort_by_text_value
> > &order_by_text_value '
> > col username heading 'Object Owner'      format
> a20
> > col name     heading 'Object Name'       format
> a40
> > col kind     heading 'Object Type'
> > col sga_cnt  heading 'SGA|Blocks'        format
> > 9999999
> > col sga_kb   heading 'SGA|KBytes'        format
> > 999999
> > col sga_mb   heading 'SGA|MBytes'        format
> > 99999
> > col seg_kb   heading 'Segment|KBytes'    format
> > 9999999
> > col seg_mb   heading 'Segment|MBytes'    format
> > 99999
> > col pct_load heading 'Pct In|SGA'        format
> > 999.999
> > 
> > select /*+ RULE */
> >        B.username
> > username,
> >        nvl(substr( ||
> > decode(A.partition_name,NULL,NULL,'.' ||
> > A.partition_name
> >                                   ),1,40
> >                  ), 'FREE BLOCKS'
> >            )
> > name    ,
> >        A.kind
> > kind    ,
> >        A.sga_cnt
> > sga_cnt ,
> >        A.sga_kb
> > sga_kb  ,
> >        trunc(A.sga_kb / 1024)
> > sga_mb  ,
> >        C.seg_kb
> > seg_kb  ,
> >        trunc(C.seg_kb / 1024)
> > seg_mb  ,
> >        (A.sga_kb / C.seg_kb) * 100
> > pct_load
> >   from tmp_dba_segments C, tmp_dba_users B,
> > tmp_v$cache A
> >  where A.owner#                     = B.user_id
> >    and ((B.username != 'SYS'                      
> >    ) or
> >         (B.username  = 'SYS' and '&nv_include_sys'
> =
> > 'Y')
> >        )
> >    and B.username                   = C.owner
> >    and                       =
> C.segment_name
> >    and A.kind                       =
> C.segment_type
> >    and nvl(A.partition_name,'NULL') =
> > nvl(C.partition_name,'NULL')
> > union all
> > select /*+ RULE */
> >        C.owner
> > username,
> >        nvl(substr(C.segment_name ||
> > decode(C.partition_name,NULL,NULL,'.' ||
> > C.partition_name
> >                                           ),1,40
> >                  ), 'FREE BLOCKS'
> >            )
> > name    ,
> >        C.segment_type
> > kind    ,
> >        0
> > sga_cnt ,
> >        0
> > sga_kb  ,
> >        0
> > sga_mb  ,
> >        C.seg_kb
> > seg_kb  ,
> >        trunc(C.seg_kb / 1024)
> > seg_mb  ,
> >        0
> > pct_load
> >   from tmp_dba_segments C
> >  where ((C.owner != 'SYS'                         
> > ) or
> >         (C.owner  = 'SYS' and '&nv_include_sys' =
> > 'Y')
> >        )
> >    and (C.owner || C.segment_name ||
> C.segment_type
> > || C.partition_name) not
> > in
> >          (select B.username || || A.kind ||
> > A.partition_name
> >             from tmp_dba_users B, tmp_v$cache A
> >             where A.owner#                     =
> > B.user_id
> >               and ((B.username != 'SYS'           
> >               ) or
> >                    (B.username  = 'SYS' and
> > '&nv_include_sys' = 'Y')
> >                   )
> >          )
> >  order by &sort_by_number_value
> > &order_by_text_value, 1,2;
> > 
> > spool off
> > ttitle off
> > set feedback on termout on
> > drop table tmp_dba_segments;
> > drop table tmp_dba_users;
> > drop table tmp_v$cache;
> > 
> > exit
> > 
> > REM ================================ END OF FILE
> > ===============================
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Fri Aug 03
> > page    1
> >                                                 
> > V$BH, Ordered by Status and
> > Count
> > 
> >                               Block      Block
> >                               Status     Status
> > ------Block Status Details------
> >    Blocks    Kbytes    Mbytes Types     
> Description
> > Dirty-Temp-Ping-Stale-Direct-New
> > --------- --------- --------- ----------
> > -------------------------
> > --------------------------------
> >         1         8         0 xcur       exclusive
> >               Y     Y
> > N    N     N      N
> >         6        48         0 cr        
> consistent
> > read           N     N
> > N    N     N      N
> >        92       736         0 cr        
> consistent
> > read           Y     N
> > N    N     N      N
> >       731      5848         5 xcur       exclusive
> >               Y     N
> > N    N     N      N
> >    149170   1193360      1165 xcur       exclusive
> >               N     N
> > N    N     N      N
> > --------- --------- ---------
> >    150000   1200000      1170
> > 
> > Sort BY Selections
> > For DB Buffer Cache Map
> > -----------------------
> > 1 = Object Owner
> > 2 = Object Name
> > 3 = Object Type
> > 4 = SGA Blocks
> > 5 = SGA KBytes
> > 6 = Segment KBytes
> > 7 = Percent in SGA
> > Please enter one now:>4
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Sort ORDER Selections
> > --------------------
> > 1 = Descending
> > 2 = Ascending
> > Please enter one now:>1
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Include SYS objects (Y/N):>n
> > 
> > Fri Aug 03
> > page    1
> >                                                Sga
> > Usage, Ordered by SGA
> > Blocks Desc
> > 
> >  
> > SGA     SGA    SGA  Segment Segment   Pct In
> > Object Owner         Object Name                  
> >          Object Type
> > Blocks  KBytes MBytes   KBytes  MBytes      SGA
> > --------------------
> > ----------------------------------------
> > ------------------ -------- ------- ------
> --------
> > ------- --------
> > PROD                 VEND_PROD                    
> >          TABLE
> > 39652  317216    309   671744     656   47.223
> > PROD                 DISP_PRODUCTS                
> >          TABLE
> > 33771  270168    263  1007616     984   26.813
> > PROD                 SO_HISTORY                   
> >          TABLE
> > 29001  232008    226   245760     240   94.404
> > PROD                 DS_ORDERS                    
> >          TABLE
> > 12122   96976     94   110592     108   87.688
> > PROD                 DS_ORDER_LINES               
> >          TABLE
> > 7561   60488     59   102400     100   59.070
> > PROD                 AK_VP_MODIFIED               
> >          INDEX
> > 4708   37664     36    40960      40   91.953
> > PROD                 AK_VENP_ID                   
> >          INDEX
> > 2870   22960     22    69632      68   32.973
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2001 12:06 PM
> > To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
> > 
> > 
> > Is there any sense to run catparr.sql if I do not
> > use OPS?
> > 
> > Alex Hillman
> > -- 
> > 
> =====
> Eng. Christian Trassens
> Senior DBA
> Systems Engineer
> Phone : 541149816062
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute
> with Yahoo! Messenger
> -- 
> Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
> -- 
> Author: Christian Trassens
> Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX:
> (858) 538-5051
> San Diego, California        -- Public Internet
> access / Mailing Lists
> To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an
> E-Mail message
> to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of
> 'ListGuru') and in
> the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB
> (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed
> from).  You may
> also send the HELP command for other information
> (like subscribing).

Eng. Christian Trassens
Senior DBA
Systems Engineer
Phone : 541149816062

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Christian Trassens

Fat City Network Services    -- (858) 538-5051  FAX: (858) 538-5051
San Diego, California        -- Public Internet access / Mailing Lists
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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