Title: RE: Installing 8.1.7

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Leith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I got a theory question.. Just because I'm not going to be
> putting it in to
> practice myself really :0)
> When using all of the below (LMT & UNIFORM EXTENTS, with the default
> recommended extent sizes):
> How do you determine the max size a table should be for a
> particular extent
> size? Do any of you adopt a method of saying:
> Right, once a table reaches 500 extents, then it should be
> moved to a larger
> extent TS?

Steve Adams has written an interesting article on the subject:
Planning Extents

<<...For this reason, we recommend that the number of extents per segment in locally managed tablespaces be limited to the number of rows that can be accommodated in the extent map within the segment header block - that is, approximately (db_block_size / 16) - 7.>>

I personally move a table when it approaches 1000 extents, out of habit more than anything else.

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