Hi Mark,

Haven't followed your thread but I installed O9i on W2K with 512MB RAM and
it was a breeze. I did use the preconfigured database though (could not be
bothered going through the dbassistant  for a play database)

What is the problem, do you need a copy of the LINUX CD's?

How's your golf handicap by now?

take care Jack

"Mark Leith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@fatcity.com on 13-11-2001 11:15:20

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


To:   Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:    (bcc: Jack van Zanen/nlzanen1/External/MEY/NL)

Oh, don't worry I know where your coming from ;)

I have considered doing this - though I have RedHat 7.1. and I'm a bit
dubious of putting 9i on an "Unsupported" platform.. The other reason is
that I have the install CDs for NT/2000 and not LINUX :0(

Win2K is our standard desktop, where we run our business applications, so I
have use it all day really - I would prefer to have a local database to
test, run through (while walking products through), and break while trying
to answer question to this list :>

It's doesn't seem like its going to happen though :(

Now - I have to ask the question - Have you *tried* to install 9i on your
Win2K partition?



-----Original Message-----
Sent: 13 November 2001 01:30
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Not trying to be funny Mark but...

any reason why you don't want to set up a Suse linux partition on your 40Gb
hard drive and run 9i (Linux version)?  I have W2k in one partition on my
system and Suse 7.1 (kernel 2.4.7) running 9i in another partition.  The
problem is I can't run W2K and access the Oracle database at the same time.
But if you don't have this requirement, then this would be a good


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2001 5:35 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Hi ladies & gents,

I think I am having a blonde Monday (no I have nothing against blondes, or
Mondays for the matter.. but anyway :) ).

I've got essentially a new PC (new HD), that I would *like* to install 9i
to. PC is as follows:

P4 1.3 gig
256Mb RAM (Only a test box)
40 gig HD
Win2K SP2

Now, I have the 9i install CDs (Thanks Joe!), but am unable to actually get
the *JAVA BLOODY INSTALLER* (why don't they keep it simple eh?!?!) working!
The autorun program starts, but when I try to kick it in to the Java
installer (Install/Deinstall Products) I get the following error:

The Java RunTime Environment was not found at
C:\DOCUME~1\MARKLE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\OraInstall\jre\binjrew.exe. Hence, the
Oracle Universal Installer cannot be run.
Please visit http://www.javasoft.com and install JRE version 1.1.7 or
and try again.

Now, my java environment (actually JRE 1.3.1) is installed in it's normal
place - C:\Program Files\Javasoft\JRE\1.3.1\..

In the Oracle Installation Guide it also says -

"Oracle Universal Installer automatically installs Oracle's version of the
Java Runtime Environment (JRE). This version is required to run Oracle
Universal Installer and several Oracle assistants. Do not modify the JRE,
unless doing so with a patch provided by OracleMetaLink. Visit: "

It is plainly not doing this at all!

Now, I remembered that I had the exact same problem when installing the
8.1.7 client on to this machine (before it had a new Hard Drive), and the
solution (provided by Larry Strickland) was that they had a faulty dll
(symcjit.dll) that had to be replaced in the install directories from the
CD. Larry also provided me with a copy of the new dll..

I copied the entire contents of the install CDs to my HD, and searched for
this particular dll, and guess what? I found it, twice, and both versions
had different modification dates - and here's the best bit - and they were
BOTH still older than the version supplied by Larry! (Strickland that is
Nothing like keeping up to date is there? :)

I copied over the old versions with the new version - but have still had no
joy :( I keep getting the exact same error. I've even copied the contents
Disk1\RR_MOVED\JRE\WIN32\BIN (where one of the symcjit.dll files actually
was) in to the temp orainstall directory, and modified the path
I then get no error at all, but the installer just disappears, and nothing

Any ideas??


 Mark Leith             | T: +44 (0)1905 330 281
 Sales & Marketing      | F: +44 (0)870 127 5283
 Cool Tools UK Ltd      | E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       Maximising throughput & performance

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