Title: White space compression in Oracle
Aren't those semantics all host language based?  I haven't been working on Pro-X languages for a while, but I seem to recall that there were language options (switches, directives) on how the comparisons were done.  Also, you could easily move the data from one data type to another if needed.  In fact, in the early days, I remember VARCHAR2 was also blank-padded on output by default and trimmed when storing into the database.  Are you referring to more recent ANSI standards?  I believe you can still turn off the ANSI semantics if you want.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 3:18 AM
Subject: Re: White space compression in Oracle


There are subtle differences between CHAR and VARCHAR2 when it comes to comparison semantics as CHAR comparisons are blank padded, which VARCHAR2 are not.  

Thanks, Bjørn.

Marc Perkowitz wrote:
Actually, varchar2 is char with the trailing spaces removed.  What's the difficulty with switching to varchar2?  Does RDB regenerate the white spaces when retrieving the data or something?   Generally, everyone uses varchar2 in Oracle.
Marc Perkowitz
Senior Consultant
TWJ Consulting, LLC
847-256-8866 x15
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 12:48 PM
Subject: White space compression in Oracle

Hi everyone,

I hope this isn't a silly question, but is there any way to make Oracle compress white space in tables.

I come from an RDB environment, and when you have a char(x) field in RDB, you can set the compression attribute on the table and any trailing white space in the char(x) column is compressed.

I've found when moving some tables with long char fields to Oracle, the tables take up much more space, I suspect because Oracle is not compressing trailing spaces.

Because of other constraints, I'm not able to change the fields to varchar2.

Thanks for your help,


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