Title: sqlplus /nolog
It opens up a sqlplus session session/shell on the server without logging into a database. The 9i version of sqlplus does not allow for a command line: sqlplus / as sysdba command. You have to login to sqlplus and when prompted for the username then add / as sysdba. The /nolog allows you to script running sqlplus and then having the connect / as sysdba as the first line in your sqlscript ie: sqlplus /nolog @myscript.sql
connect / as sysdba
select name from v$database;
On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 07:29, Daiminger, Helmut wrote:
I was wondering what
sqlplus /nolog
actually does on Unix? Is it only used for not listing username/password when doing a ps ? Or anything else?
This is 8.1.7 on Sun Solaris.
Rodd Holman
Enterprise Data Systems Engineer
LodgeNet Entertainment Corporation