Sorry for the confusion.
 As the  DBA I "grant create session to rrogers" and "grant create
table to rrogers"
As rrogers I 
"create temporary tablespace fubar 
tempfile '/data4/ror.dbf 'size 10M 
extent management local uniform size 128k;"

The tablespace gets created and is visable by the DBA with
"Select * from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name 'FUBAR';"
The datafile is NOT visable in the dba_data_files view.

As rrogers I create a table
"Create global temporary table testror(
col1  char(1000));"
 The table is visable to the DBA as
select * from dba_tables where owner ='RROGERS';
and desc rrogers.testror.

As rrogers I exit the system and the table is still visable to the DBA.
The manual  says that the "temporary tablespace"fubar is an allocation
of space that can contain schema objects for the duration of the
session" If this is so then why is the table still there.???
I think that the manual should read that the object created can contain
data only for the duration of the session.... Or something to the same
effect as the objects still exist after the session has ended.
Am I correct in my tests?

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