Title: Message
> From: Bob Metelsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I have a developers stored procedure making repeaded calls
> (logons/request for data and logoff)
> Each call takes only seconds but it seems like PMON dosnt close the
> process in a timely manner, leaving what look to be ghost
> process. If a
> few users hit the same app the processes go to = 50 then I get the
> dreaded "ORA-nnn max processes (50) reached"

1. 50 max processes? Damn, dude, you're choking that thing to death.

2. That is one of the sorriest excuses for a data access methodology that exists. Tell them to start pooling their database connections or you'll turn your max processes down even further. 

Hummm....  I have to be more diplomatic than that .. ;-)

They are using the Oracle 8.17 provider with a connection string like so

Connect=Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;PLSQLRSet=1;Password=a;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=a;Data Source=mydb 

Jeremy, do you have any examples of using pooled connections with active server pages? I'd like to be able to at least point them in the right direction.... and also have the information myself


many thanks


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