Title: RE: Good technical documents/references on tuning restores

Okay - from my reading you don't need to have multiple tape io slaves if you are using asynch. I/O.  Again, best document for perf. tuning database restores using RMAN would make mucho difference.  Read old note about someone doing an analyze on the RMAN catalog tables to improve performance of restore.  I think it has something to do with how quickly it finds the file on tape and writes to disk. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Stankus, Paula G
Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 8:25 PM
Subject: RE: Good technical documents/references on tuning restores

Seems to be taking awfully long to read files from tape and write to disk.  I allocate multiple tape channels like I do for the backup which only takes about 45 minutes.  Does not seem to be spawning multiple sessions.  Do I need to change parameters on my init.ora file to use multiple tape io slaves to see this. Anyway, would like notes/docs., references if you all have some.


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