Title: RE: World premier performance of the BAARF party logo

Putting on my futuristic thinking hat, I see a day not too far off when there won't be any Ds. RAID, as we know it, will go away.

Jerry Whittle
NCI Information Systems Inc.

    -----Original Message-----

    Daniel W. Fink wrote:

    > Mogens,
    >    As a futuristic thinker, I challenge you to go beyond todays
    > technology and consider what the next millenium may bring. While it is
    > all good and well to be against RAID-Free/Four/Five, we should also
    > issue a policy statement against the newer, though not currently
    > production ready, configurations listed below.
    > RAID-Firteen/Fourteen/Fifteen, Free hundred through Five hundred
    > ninety nine (inclusive), Free thousand through Five thousand nine
    > hundred ninety nine (inclusive) and all RAIDS that are powers of
    > Free/Four/Five.
    > Dan

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